04; Sameera

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Nile University

"Oh my God, guys!" Juwairiyya screamed grabbing a seat beside me. She was panting and breathing heavily. Everyone was now looking at her, waiting for her to say something.

"Did you see him? The new guy"

"Who hasn't, he's the talk of the school" Fatimah replied. "And I think he's hot" She added.

Well, if Fatimah should ever say something like that then it's never a lie. She's not a fan of guys but if she compliments on a guy, then he's truly handsome.

"He's nothing compared to the guys I've seen to be honest, he's a rare gem" Ikram said and Fatimah 'hummed'.

I remained silent, everything they said was true but I was still thinking about what happened between me and Jazzy yesterday.

I brushed it off and Juwairiyya spoke immediately.

"I'll be going for a party tonight, a friend invited me. Who's coming?, trust me, it's gonna be lit"

"I'm not coming, I'm preparing for an interview tonight, sorry"

You guessed right.

That was Fatimah speaking.

The busy freak.

"On it" came Ikram's reply.

"You?" Juwairiyya asked.

"I'll be there" I replied and both of them squealed.

Soon enough, it was time to go for lectures and everyone went their separate ways.


"Bye, I'll be there by 9, I promise" I bid Juwairiyya. She kept on disturbing me not to forget and I had to promise.

To be honest, I wasn't planning to go but I have to. I hate parties. You have to mingle with drunk and shameless people.

I've made up my mind, I'm leaving by 10pm without any hesitation.

I revved my car to my life and drove off. Positions by Ariana Grande playing on the background.

I arrived home soon and to my surprise, they were unfamiliar cars parked in the parking lot.

I just hope everything's fine.

I parked my car else where and entered the house.

Oh my God.

"Mamaaaaa!" I shouted and jumped on her body, both of us falling to the ground.

"Oh my God Mama I missed you"

"I missed you too Aisha, how are you doing?" She asked, flashing her 32.

"I'm fine Alhamdulillah. So you're finally back to Nigeria. I thought you guys moved"

"Yeah we did but we had to come back you know" She replied with a Nigerian British accent. I was impressed.

"Where's Sameera?" I asked.

"Oh, she stopped by to see a friend in Maitama, she's coming soon. Guess what!"


"We're going to be living here!" She exclaimed. The happiness in her voice was easily traced.

"Oh my God, are you for real?"

"Yes she is" Mum chimed in. She sounded happy as well.

Mama was my favourite Aunty and Sameera was her daughter but I wouldn't call her my favourite cousin. Doesn't mean I hate her or something. We are very close though.

Just then, the door creaked open and Sameera's slim figure appeared. She's changed so much. I didn't know when we were both on the floor. She was giggling.

"Oh my God Aisha" She said through laughter.

She laughs easily and it's really pretty.

"So you really missed me?" She asked.

"More than you can imagine" I replied.

"I can't believe I missed Khadijah's wedding, it was all Mama's fault" The way she spoke sounded so eloquent. As if she lived in the UK her whole life.

"I know right. The wedding was so boring without you guys to be honest. You and Mama are vibers. I don't know how you do it.

"Keh, do not blame me for missing Khadijah's wedding, you're also at fault" Mama spoke and Sameera smiled.

"We will be in my room if you need us" I said and before we could turn to leave, mum spoke.

"Oh and the empty room next to yours is Sameera's new room. I've spoken to the carpenter and he will be coming tomorrow to add more furniture's for Sameera and Mama. You'll make use of Aisha's room in the mean time".

Sameera nodded and we went upstairs.

Sameera is the only child. She lost her father few years back and they started becoming financially unstable. They sold their 7 bedroom duplex and decided to move to UK. Even after moving, they struggled and fortunately some guy offered Mama a job at a company where she was paid £10,000 monthly. Sameera completed high school at Leicester and attended Edinburgh College.

"Your room looks so different. My Lord" I laughed becuase of how funny she sounded.

"So which Uni are you going to?" I asked.

"Nile, I applied a week ago and got an admission three days back" she replied.

I nodded and went into my closet, picked a black chiffon dress with flowers adorned on the neck and my sleeves together with a matching veil and sandals.

"Going somewhere?" Sameera asked, legs crossed while laying comfortably on the left side of the bed.

"A friend invited me to a party. Wanna join?"

"I'd love to but I'm also going to a party"


I looked at the clock and it read 15:48pm.

"I'm on my period so don't even start asking me to go and pray"

"So you think I'm like that?" I smiled and entered the bathroom.

When I stepped out, I glanced at Sameera and she was fast asleep. Probably exhausted.


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