03; Cousinship

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I groaned tiredly, I just woke up from sleep. Immediately I came back, I greeted mom and jumped onto my bed. I was having a really bad headache. After all that drama, who wouldn't?+ I looked at the time and it was 16:18 pm. I missed Dhur and Asr.


I quickly went to the bathroom and freshened up before performing ablution. Then prayed my missed salats and went downstairs to eat.

No one was downstairs. It was extremely quiet. I miss Khadijah.

I opened the door to the kitchen and as usual, Mom was there, supervising what the maids were doing or either trying out something new

"Sleeping beauty, you're awake?" She giggled.

"Yeah, is there anything eatable, I'm hungry"

"I knew you would be hungry so I decided to cook mac 'n' cheese, just for you. You have a headache right?"

"Yep, a serious one"

"Fine, go to the living room and sit" and then she summoned a maid and told her to get some pills for me to take.

I left the kitchen and went to the living room and sat on my favourite cushion, turning the TV on. Every Channel seemed boring so I decided to watch Netflix but it was even worse. I've watched literally all the movies and the one's left seemed kinda boring so I switched off the TV.

The maid brought me some pills but I didn't gulp it down immediately. Mum always told me to eat before I take any drug. So I waited patiently for the food to arrive.

After minutes of waiting, mom brought my food, the aroma smelt amazing, and the food was palatable. I ate everything in minutes and then gulped down the pills.

Mum was in the living room, doing something on her phone, so I took the plate to the kitchen and headed to my room.

I plugged out my phone and opened our WhatsApp group whatever. It's just me, Juwairiyya, Fatimah and Ikram. They were busy discussing about a football match that we watched last week.

Me: guys!...that was last week, please don't
start something that'll never end.

Ikkie: Commot, jare.

Ju: See this girl 😂

Fatimah didn't say anything. She's the sensible one. Ikram and Juwairiyya are extremely crazy.

I was getting bored staying at home and doing nothing so I decided to stop by at my favourite restaurant.

I normally do that, the place is always quiet and their food is to die for.

I wore a black kimono over what I was wearing and wrapped a veil then grabbed my car keys and left. I didn't tell mom, she'll eventually find out.


"One medium sized burger and a berry smashed cocktail" I ordered.

"Anything else?" The waitress asked.

I shook my head with a smile and she smiled back.

"OK. you'll be served in 10" She said and left.

I brought out my phone and started getting busy, just then a figure pulled out the empty chair of my table and sat.

I raised my head to look at the person and it was obviously him, Jazzy.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I can't sit here again? Aisha"

This guy.

Why can't he leave me alone?

I stood up to leave and go to another table but he grabbed my wrist making me sit back.

He's had a crush on me since like forever. The first time he actually told me, I thought he was joking and then laughed, hard. That was like 5 years ago, when we were watching a movie together.

The second time when he told me, I kinda believed and started ignoring him.

The third time when he told me, he even tried to force himself on me and that was the day I terminated our friendship for good. I cried for days before I could get over it.

"You're my cousin doesn't mean anything, Umar"

"Come on Aisha. I just want us to have a conversation like the one's we had before"


I thought about it for a minute and without spending any second, I gathered my things and stood up.

"That was before and this is now" I said before exiting the restaurant, not caring that I had ordered food.


Didn't see that coming, right?
Jazzy and Aisha are cousins and he has freaking crush on her


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