08; Him

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"Aisha!" a voice called out.


"It's Fajr time" was all the person replied with. I sat up, my back leaning against the bed. I closed my eyes and opened them few minutes later, when the door was creaked open.

"Aisha" My mum called out. She was in her hijab, with a rosary in her hand. I looked at her and she came further into the room.

"I didn't see you last night so I decided to check on you" she said and her eyes quickly moved down to my bandaged legs.

"What happened?" she sounded angry. Something I was afraid of.

I replied simply "I fell" and then stood up to perform ablution. I could feel her gaze on me until I locked the door. When I came out, she wasn't there anymore. I spread the prayer mat next to the now sleeping Sameera and prayed, reciting my adhkar after.

I got up and folded the mat then climbed the bed and slept off.

8:00 am

"Do you wake up this early just to go to Uni, Aisha?" she asked, tucking in the bedsheets and adjusting the pillows. I looked at her through the mirror and smiled.

"You're addicted to the UK life, everything is different in Nigeria dear" I replied and exited the room, heading downstairs for breakfast. My limps were alot better now and I got rid of the bandage. The sleep I had helped out after all.

When I reached the dining table, I was surprised to see so many people. Majority of them were Haydar's friends. I stood by the stairs and looked at the annoying young men who digged into their meals.

I walked over and sat next to Mama, flashing her a smile and asking her about the night. She replied saying it was fine Alhamdulillah but mum wouldn't stop snoring like a pig who has eaten to satisfaction. Everyone laughed, including Mum and just then I saw Sadiq looking at me.

I quickly averted my gaze and digged into my food, gulping down my hot tea when I was done.

"We will be paying Khadijah a visit today" Mum spoke.

"You can meet us at her house after lectures, I don't think you'll find anyone at home when you get back" she was speaking to me. Just then, Sameera joined and she greeted every single human being present. I could see Sadiq sending her nasty looks. He's an idiot.

"I'll be waiting in the car, If you're done" I whispered to Sameera and she nodded.

She has a car but she isn't that familiar with the roads in Abuja and stuff. I opened the door to my car and sat inside, turning on the A/C. I brought out my phone and started getting busy before a knock on my window interrupted me.

"Oh sorry" I said even though she couldn't hear and I unlocked the doors, letting her in. She sat and threw her things at the back, sighing.

I revved the car to life, driving out of the compound. "Why were there so many people at breakfast?" Sameera asked. I couldn't resist admiring her accent.

"Haydar's friends normally come over for a sleep over once in a month anytime they feel like. It's really frustrating"

"I see, do your's come over?" I looked at her for a moment and thought about it for second. I was just realising that none of my friends have ever set a foot in my house, but I have, several times. I took a sharp left turn and replied, "No".

"Some Sadiq guy asked to greet you when I was about to leave" his name was the last one I ever wanted to hear to be honest.

"So what course are you studying?" I asked, forgetting about Sadiq. "Mass communication" she replied. She wasn't fully concentrating on me, she was on her phone as usual.

"It'll fit you to be honest. The british accent you possess and its eloquency, every station will like to have you as a journalist or a broadcaster or a coorporate communicator and bla bla bla"

"Broadcasting sucks, I prefer Journalism. It covers a wider range unlike broadcasting, you get me?" I hummed, I feel like they're all the same.

I drove for some minutes and finally, the gates of Nile University were in sight. Sameera looked up and grinned widely, rolling down the window, like a kid who who saw her mother.

"It's beautiful" she complimented. I laughed, knowing very well that it wasn't.

"Welcome to Nile University of Nigeria"


"Nile's hallways are much wider than those in Edinburgh, something I've always wanted" she said.

"That's one thing I've always admired"

We walked further into the building and before I knew it, two heavy bodies were crushed into me and we were all on the ground.

"Aisha, we missed you!" they both squealed. Sameera stood there looking dumbfounded while Fatima laughed.

"How's your leg?" They asked in unison. I smiled, "It's better, Alhamdulillah" I replied.

Fatima helped me to stand on my feet and she asked me some questions which I replied to.

"So Sameera, you're attending Nile?" Ikram asked. Juwairiyya Fatima turned immediately to look at her, probably didn't notice her presence.

"I didn't see you" Juwairiyya said plastering a smile on her face. It looked extremely fake. Anyone could tell.

Fatima just looked at her and grinned. Sameera immediately reciprocated and we continued to walk. I, Juwairiyya and Fatima in front while Ikram and Sameera were following behind.

"Juwairiyya told me both of you are cousins, you and Aisha, true?" I heard Ikram ask. Sameera didn't reply, she might have nodded.

"You're pretty" Ikram complimented. I could imagine her staring at Sameera like a beautifully garnished roasted chicken that was just brought out from the oven. I chuckled lightly.

Juwairiyya nudged me and "What?" I asked. "Do you know who carried you like a baby yesterday at that Party?" she asked. I wanted to reply with 'Yes, I do' but decided to go with "No, I dont".

"It was that handsome guy, the new one, the one Fatima called hot, the one Ikram said was a rare gem, remember?" and that was when everything made sense. No wonder he looked so familiar.

"Muhammad" I muttered.

"Yes, Muhammad"

But how does Sameera know him?

I'm too lazy



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