40; Heavenly Blissful

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The past three days have been hectic for Muhammad. Sleepless nights and loss of appetite. His gaze at the moment was fixated on the spot Aisha was seated on, the last time she was here and then it darted to the door which she had banged before leaving. He never really thought he would break down in front of her. Never! His legs shook angrily and then he slumped back on the couch, thinking of all that had occurred. It breaks his already broken heart to hear or see that the love of his life is getting married. But no one really understands. She even has enough courage to invite him to her wedding knowing fully well that he can't stand seeing that.

He stood up and exited the study, only one thought crept into his head. It is best for she and himself. Outside, he bumped into Farida who immediately quirked a brow at him and folded her arms on her chest.

"Go and tell Azra to pack all her stuffs. We are going back today. Including you" He uttered and started to walk away. Muhammad had a strong feeling she would throw questions at him and right now, he didn't have that much energy.

"First, tell me why sister-in-law looked so angry the other day, why your eyes were crisom red and why you locked up yourself in the study. Secondly, what do you mean by we are going back? Back to where?" She asked, moving closer to him. 

"Our conversation in there isn't your business Rida and I mean we are going back to London today" He replied and heaved a sigh.

She let out humourless laugh before responding. "I'm not going anywhere!" She spatted and entered her room, banging the door hard.

What is with girls and banging the door!?

He shook his head and barged into Azra's room who was typing away on her phone and she looked up immediately. He had always wondered what was on that phone that she was always typing but then again, he doesn't care. Normally, he would have knocked and waited but not today. "Pack all your stuffs. Everything! We are going back to London today. No questions please!" he  said and left her room without closing the door or even attempting to.

He brought out his phone which was in his pocket and did the flight bookings before heading to his room. He had wanted to call and ask Rayyan if his Private Jet was available but that would be an absolute waste of time. Not like he would not allow them to use it but he would spend literally the whole day listing safety guidelines. Muhammad packed his stuffs in two suitcases and others in his backpack. When he was done, he decided to barge into Farida's room who was seated on her bed with her head down and arms crossed.

He examined her for a while before he brought out all her suitcases and started pouring out all her stuffs in it. He instantly regretted it because touching women's undies was not his thing. All the while, he could sense her staring angrily at him but that was the least of his concerns at the moment.

"I'll check on Azra then we shall get going" Muhammad stated simply and left the room.

"I'm not going anywhere" she muttered and laid down comfortably on the bed. He rolled his eyes at her and responded.

"I am not asking you, I am commanding you" and then stepped out of the room only to see Azra seated at the living room, buckling her shoes.

He turned around and  walked back into Farida's room and commanded her to stand up. "I'm not going anywhere!" She screamed and he shrugged his broad shoulders.

Muhammad dragged her suitcases one after the other and took them outside then took his as well. Azra helped with some while he walked back into the house to get Farida. After stepping into her room, he opened his arms widely and picked her up then exited the house, dropping her in the back seat. He looked at her for a while daring her with his eyes to leave the car and when she didn't budge, he went inside and made sure all windows were locked and ensured everything was right in place before locking up the house. Getting back inside the car, he muttered all sorts of prayers before driving off in an insane speed.

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