16; 11th Month

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Days, weeks, and months passed by and Aisha was still in a coma. It's been 11 months now, almost a year and she hasn't moved an inch. Alot of things have happened though.

Khadijah is 9 months pregnant. Haydar was married six months ago. Umar got engaged. Affan and Ikram's wedding preparations are happening. Juwairiyya and Haydar as well. Fatima had applied for a university in Switzerland and was admitted so she moved back there like five months ago.

Nothing has happened in my life though, except for the fact that I've made tons of friends and has developed little feelings for Aisha.

I would visit her everyday and just wait to see her open her eyes but it never happened. I will buy chocolates, bouquet of flowers, and so many things but it never happened. I'll sit in her room for hours, talking to her or reading her favourite novels which Khadijah had informed me about, but it never happened. Sometimes, I'll just sit and stare at her beautiful pale face and thought that none of this would have happened if I hadn't let go of her. I was the one to blamed for her situation.

At this moment, I was at home getting ready to go and visit her when my phone rang. I checked the ID caller and it was Haydar.

"Muhammad! Mama just informed me that Aisha moved a finger. I'm on my way to the house right now" He said immediately I answered.

I didn't hang up and ran to where I kept my keys and dashed inside my car immediately.


I honked at the gate and the man opened it immediately. Normally, I will bring down my glass and exchange greetings, but not today. I parked in my normal parking space an dashed upstairs to her room immediately.

Aisha sat up in her bed, a glass of water in her hand. Her face expression was blank. When I opened the door, she didn't look my way. I greeted mum and mama and apparently, there were crying tears of joy. I smiled at the sight and sat on the chair next to Aisha's bed.

She turned around immediately and stared for long. As if I was unknown to her. 

"Muhammad, is this you?" she questioned, her voice was hoarse and her pink lips were dry. I smiled and nodded. I thought she wouldn't recognise me. She turned to look at the still crying mom's and asked "Where is Sameera?"

"She has gone out for shopping" Mama replied. She nodded and closed her eyes gently before opening them again. I wished I had stopped by to get chocolate bars and a bouquet of flowers. Things just happen.

"Do you feel like walking?" I asked and she nodded.

"But for how long have I been unconscious and why is Mama crying? I have alot of questions"

"Eleven months" I replied. I didn't answer the second question because the answer to the first will obviously tell her why. She looked at me with wide eyes and I just stared.

She kept the glass of water and placed both feet on the cold tiled floor. She stood up and when she took a step, she fell. I helped her up immediately and made her to sit back.

"There is no possible way you can walk normally, have some rest" I said and just then, the door flew open and five figures appeared. The first one I saw was Juwairiyya. She ran up to her and hugged her. Aisha hugged her back and smiled. Hafsat and Khadijah joined and after minutes of hugging, Haydar cleared his throat and made his way over to her.

"We missed you so much. How are you feeling?" 

"I'm fine" She smiled and turned around to where Hamza stood "Brother-in-law! come in" she shouted and he did just as she said. There exchaged greetings before the room became eerily quiet.

Khadijah leaned over to Aisha's ear and whispered something.

"Are you for real? You're pregnant oh Masha Allah" Aisha stretched out her hand and rubbed it on her belly. Hamza hit it immediately and said " No. No. No. Nobody does that, only I" and everyone burst out laughing. The laughter transformed Aisha's face,and brightened her eyes. He wondered if he was the only who found her pretty and if she would ever be his.

This was annoying.

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