02; Jazzy

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Nile University

I ran down the hallway, hoping to meet up with the lectures. I'm dead meat. There was a ridiculous fight that happened on the road and caused a very huge traffic making me late. And the professor won't take it likely with me.

I was at the door and gently twisted the knob. Walking in with soft footsteps. Everyone was quiet but I didn't sight him. I rapidly walked to my sit and before I could settle down, his deep and scary voice spoke.

"You thought you could get away", and then he laughed.

"Would you mind explaining why you're late"

"Sir, I swear...there was a serious traffic and you don't expect me to leave my car in the middle of nowhere and find a cab, right?" I replied. Anger written all over his face.

He raised his hands to slap me and I closed my eyes, expecting the worst but it never came.
I was too afraid to even move because I'll never let any useless man hit me, I was still waiting, probably it's coming but still, it never came.

I opened my eyes, gently, to witness a hand gripping the Professor's.

My hands flew to my mouth immediately. No one will ever dare do that. It was obviously him, Umar.

"What do you think you're doing?!" The professor thundered.

"Saving an innocent lady, I should be asking you, what do you think you're doing? it's inappropriate to hit a lady. I wonder how your wife lives under the same roof with a monster like you!" He spatted. Everyone was shocked. And the while class cheering 'Jazzy Jazzy Jazzy' while I stood there, speechless.

The Professor turned around and walked out furiously.

I turned to look at Umar and he was already looking at me.

"You didn't have to do that, you know that you've landed yourself in trouble, right?"

"I'm Jazzy, a legend from heaven, I never land in trouble" and then he left the hall with his minions trailing behind him like he was cinderella or something.

I shook my head and walked up to where my friends were. Probably talking about what just happened.

"Hey" I said

"Girl! Jazzy killed it" Ikram shouted.

"He literally landed himself in trouble, in the name of saving an innocent girl" I air quoted.

"Jazzy and Aisha siting on a tree..." before my best friend, Juwairiyya could even complete it, I smacked her, hard and everyone laughed.

School Canteen
10:17 am

"So how was Khadijah's wedding?" Fatimah asked. Everyone was silent. I guess the food was delicious.

"I didn't enjoy since none of you came, I swear you guys are the worst"

"Come on, I had to go on a date with that guy, who wouldn't want to, he's so hot" Juwairiyya said and everyone turned to look at her and hissed.

"My mom needed me, don't look at me" Ikram said when I turned to glare at her.

"Aisha, I'm a busy freak, you mustn't ask" said Fatimah.


Always busy.

"But you have tons of other friends, they never miss out, why didn't you invite them" Fatimah asked.

"I didn't want to" I replied

I sighed and continued eating my loaded fries. It's literally my favourite on their Menu. We were eating peacefully and then we heard a loud bang. I literally flew out of my seat.

What the heck?

We all stood up to check out what was happening and saw Jazzy's minions beating up some guy while he sat and watched, laughing.

People just watched.

Nobody ever tries to stopped them, even the Lecturers and Professors.

I casually turned around and walked back to the Canteen.


What did you think of it though?


Heavenly Blissful ✔️Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα