37; Take me home

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It's been three freaking days and dad has been setting me up with guys. It's like an interview session. Today is another day but the guy said he's taking me for shopping. You might be thinking he's such a gentle man and rich and bla bla bla but trust me, he isn't. I picked a perfume that costs just 5k and he said that he couldn't afford it. I'm wondering if this guy is poor or doesn't want to spend his money on me.

I miss Muhammad though, so much but since that incident occurred, I haven't caught a glimpse of him or even heard his voice. His phone has been switched off but I've spoken with Azra and Farida just once and they told me that he had travelled to Lagos.

After I regained consciousness, the first question I asked was "Where is Muhammad?". Mum looked at me with pity in her eyes before telling me that he had gone back to his home with his sisters when she had informed him about what Dad said. He didn't even bother to check up on me. If I were in his shoes though, I would have done the same.

"Are you hungry?" Bashir asked. I was about to shake my head but he beat me to it.

"Okay, let's go" He said and started walking out of the store.

"But I'm not done shopping!" I shouted and he just continued walking.

I looked at the female cashier who chuckled lightly and when our eyes locked she couldn't hold it back. She laughed so loud that her stupid ugly wig fell off and I just left the place.

I stood next to the guy who isn't that tall. I think he's just an inch taller than me and that is obviously one of the things I dread the most. At least be like 3 or 5 inches taller, just like Muhammad.

My phone which I was holding carelessly slipped out of my hand and the guy bent down to pick it up. I saw some guy with a lady and his retreating back looked just like Muhammad's.

The guy gently turned around and Oh! It was none other than him. The girl gently pecked him on his cheek and held him by his waist. He didn't make any move, just allowed her to flirt with him. I fisted my hand and tears started forming in my eyes but I swallowed a lump in my throat and walked up to them immediately.

"If it isn't Muhammad Abdullah Dikko!" I spatted in his face, hands akimbo.

He looked at me with his mouth slightly open and blinked rapidly.

"Who's she?" I heard the girl ask. Her voice sounded like she was being strangled to death and her accent could burst anybody's ear drums.

"Look what you got yourself. If it isn't one of those Lagos bitches!" I said and Muhammad closed his mouth which was opened for as long as I can't remember.

"Watch your language" she said and pointed a finger at me. I slapped it and scoffed.

"And if I don't?"

"I'll beat you up and no one is-"

"Please shut it! Both of you" Muhammad chimed in and I shot him a glare.

"Aisha, we need to talk"

"Nada! I'm not talking to you. I have a date" I said and walked away.

When i reached where i had left Bashir, he was pacing up and down and he looked tense.

"Where were you? You got me-"

"Let's go! Where is my phone?" I asked and he handed it to me then we exited the mall after making sure I sent the two idiots nasty glares.


"I'm picking a restaurant" Bashir said.

I like his car. It was a Mercedes Benz C300. I wonder how he managed to get it.

"I thought girls were meant to decide which restaurant they want to go to" I said and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm deciding" he replied.

"Then take me home" I said and he looked at me and shook his head.

"Take me home!" I shouted this time around and he shook his again.

"I will wind down the window and shout oh. Take me home" he shook his head again and I knacked it then started honking at cars in front of us.

"What are you doing?" He asked but he sounded angry.

"Take me home!"

Just then, I saw so many people shouting and dashing him waka (If you know, you know). I continued honking not until he pushed me back and I sat on my seat.

"Stop being a brat"

"Take! Me! Home!"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Take! Me! Home!"

"Aisha stop this Dan Allah"

"Take! Me! Home!"

"Are you possessed?"

"Take! Me! Home!"

"Fine! I will take you home. You look like a sensible person but I didn't know you were otherwise"

"Are you sure you aren't a carpenter? You took me shopping for nothing. Maybe just to take a look at the mall and steal what is stealable. Show me! What have you stolen? You even have the audacity to call me a senseless person with that your yellow teeth and stinking mouth" He immediately stopped driving and shot me a glare. Okay! I've really annoyed him.

"If not because you're beautiful I swear I would have dropped you off but I'm going to take you back home. So just shut that thing you call a mouth"

"It's actually a mouth" I retorted and he just hissed before driving off.


I got down and banged the door hard then walked inside the house.

I opened the door to the living room and stepped inside after kicking my shoes off.

"So, do you like him?" Dad asked when I walked past him. He was watching news and chewing something.

"No" I answered coldly and headed upstairs to my room.

I sighed and fell on my bed then brought out my phone and face timed Juwairiyya, Fatima and Ikram.

"How far?" Juwairiyya asked when everyone joined. She was next to Haydar and stood up when she had picked up.

"We dey!" Ikram shouted.

"Fine" Fatima responded.

I just looked at them and scoffed.

"What? Look at you" Juwairiyya asked and laughed.

"I swear I'm tired. My dad isn't helping matters. Today's date was wack. Do you know I saw Muhammad with some bitch?"

"Heiiii!" Ikram shouted while Juwairiyya rose a brow slightly. Fatima didn't react at all.

I narrated everything that happened and even the Take me home drama.

"You get mind" Juwairiyya said and burst into bits of laughter then Ikram and Fatima joined.

"I've never said this but I love you" Fatima said and again they burst into bits of laughter. I just chuckled and mumbled "I love you too"

We chatted about everything and nothing for some hours before everyone retired.

Second update!

I kinda liked this one. Who else?

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