33; Wisdocian

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We knocked and waited for the door to be opened for some minutes and then finally, Juwairiyya's figure appeared. Her large ugly marks were now scars and she had started regaining weight.

"Look who I have here today. Come in" She said and opened the door widely. We took off our shoes and walked into the parlour, sitting down on the empty couches.

"Is Farida coming?" She asked and Azra shook her head.

"Where is she?"

"At the Mall. She became crazy all of a sudden and Azra suggested that we leave her there" I said glaring at her but she was typing away on her phone.

"So you left her. Heartless people" she replied and I smiled.

"Is Adda home?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Home alone"

"So, when are you getting married?" I asked and she laughed.

"I have no idea. That Haydar guy is acting so weird these days. Do you think I should actually marry him?"

"Yeah! Obviously. He's a good guy"

"And a handsome guy" Azra murmured and Juwairiyya slapped her head.

"Keh-" I was about to tell her something but was cut off with a knock on the door.

Juwairiyya stood up to open the door and I patiently waited for her. She came back after few minutes laughing with some people and when I looked up, I saw Farida and Haydar.

"Sister-in-law. Didn't know you were coming" Farida said and sat down beside me, crossing her legs and sending me a smile.

I just shook my head and waved my hand at Haydar.

"I went to get some stuffs for Juwairiyya and saw her laughing in the middle of nowhere like a hippo" Haydar said and I chuckled lightly.

"We will be outside. I and Haydar. Feel free to take drinks from the fridge" Juwairiyya said and headed outside with Muhammad. I watched their retreating backs and hissed. See the girl we came to meet.

Farida stood up and started walking to God knows where.

"Where are you going to?" I asked and she laughed then turned to look at me and smile. Something is wrong with this girl.

"I want to use the restroom" she said and ran inside Juwairiyya's room. I waited for her to be out while I just watched Azra typing away on her phone.

"Do you guys speak Fulani?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"Do you understand it though?" I asked again and she nodded.

"Not that much. You know when our parents died we lived with our aunty for some years. We could actually speak a bit but then not anymore because no one speaks it to us, I doubt we can understand"

"What are you doing?" I asked and she glared at me.

"Are you a questionnaire?"

"No. What are you doing?" I asked again and she didn't answer then simply faced what was on her phone screen. She got attitude problems like Muhammad.

A loud thud from the room made me to fly out of the seat immediately. I looked around and saw no one then ran inside just to find the ceiling fan on the floor and Farida standing on the window, maybe trying to commit suicide because she knows I'll so much deal with her.

"Sister-in-law!" She said and a sweat slided on her face. I looked at her and screamed.

"What's wrong with you? Now why the hell did you this? This isn't your house!"

"Sister-in-law, I was trying to fix the fan"

"Are you an electrician?"

"No but I'm a wisdocian" I raised an eyebrow and shot her a glare.

"The fan wasn't working. So, I used the stool and climbed on top of it. To be honest, I thought I've lost some weight so I didn't expect this to happen"

"A wisdocian you say, huh? I paid for your damages in that Mall and you're going to have to make it up for Juwairiyya. I don't know how, you just have to do it" I said and left the room, banging the door hard.

Just then, Juwairiyya came inside blushing like a maniac.

"Guess what?" She screamed.

"Haydar spoke to his parents about me and I don't know when and how but he also spoke to Adda about our marriage. The marriage date will be fixed soon when I meet them but it's gonna be next month. Trust me, you don't know how excited I am"

"Bride to be! Haydar and Juwairiyya sitting on a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!" Farida shouted and we all laughed, then we continued to sing and dance. Azra obviously didn't join. Just sat and watched us as if we're mad people.

We ate lunch and gulped down some drinks before finally calling it a day. We bade each other goodbye and just when we were about to step out if the house. We heard Juwairiyya shouting "Farida! I know you did this! My fan!" And then Farida laughed and entered the car.

Another cringy part. God! 😣

Heavenly Blissful ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon