09; Friendz

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"How did your lectures go?" I asked Sameera when she was seated with us at the Canteen.

"To be honest, I thought it was going to be terrible but it was fun, damn!".

Everyone was now quiet, but noise was heard from other's.

"About Muhammad" I started "So he's in Nile"

"Shit! I completely forgot to tell you. I and Muhammad became friends in Edinburgh actually. He moved back to Nigeria like 7 months ago" She paused "He was the only male friend I had"

I looked at her, everyone did. I wanted her to tell me more, but I was certain that she would, maybe not in front of my friends.

"There he is" Sameera said, standing up and heading towards the guy standing in a grey shirt, sleeves stopping exactly at his elbow with black sweatpants and a white Nike shoe. I just noticed how fair he was with his golden brown orbs contrasting exceptionally with his light-toned face. He looked so handsome.

I watched Sameera talk to him but I couldn't hear, I turned around to continue eating and met three people looking at me, with wide creepy grins on their faces.

"What?" I asked.

"Someone has a crush" Ikram said immediately. I looked at them and rose a brow slightly, before they all laughed.

"We saw the way you were looking at him" Fatima said.

"Who? Muhammad?" I questioned.

"Yes!" They all shouted.

"That was nothing to be honest, you guys shouldn't think negative. So who's coming to Khadijah's home? I'll be going, immediately after lectures"

"Is she going to be there? Sameera" Juwairiyya asked. I nodded.

"Then no"

"Why? What has she done to you?" I asked. I've also noticed how Juwairiyya looks at her with disdain in her eyes.

"I just don't like her, since the day I set my eyes on her. And Ikram, she's nothing close to pretty, calling her pretty is an insult to pretty people" she said. She sounded angry, I'm sure if she would have an opportunity to get rid of anyone then it would be Sameera.

I sighed, a long one and stood up.

"I'm off, see ya" I said and left. The moment felt awkward. I just don't understand why she despises her.


During lectures, I was getting bored listening to the old hairy giant man speaking. He spoke so fast that I couldn't hear a word. Just as I leaned back and closed my eyes, someone sat next to me. I opened them immediately and when I saw who it was, I hissed. I packed my stuffs to find another seat and the person spoke almost immediately.

"You don't have to, all seats are occupied"

I heard but did not reply and searched frantically with my eyes. Well, all seats were occupied. I sat down and folded my arms, staying inches away from him.

"This class is boring, are you enjoying it?" Umar asked. I looked at him, thinking whether I should reply or not. To be honest, I missed the times we would talk and laugh all day. We were inseparable then. Maybe I should let bygones be bygones and try to parch things up. Life is short, you only get to live once.

I smiled and replied "It sure is"

He looked at me, flabbergasted.

"Look, Umar. I thought about this and I have decided to let things go. No one is above mistakes, everything that has happened in the past shouldn't affect our friendship or should I call it cousinship. Friends?"

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