Chapter 71

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Jen's POV (34 Weeks)

"Jen are you ready to leave?" Harry called out from the lounge.

Today we were headed into the city to attend the sex class one of my colleagues from the office suggested. Harry wasn't extremely enthusiastic about a group full of strangers getting an insight into our sex life, but he agreed to go along with it because he knew I wanted this.

"Where are you two off to today?" I heard Angus ask as I walked into the room, where he was seated with Harry.

"Jen wants us to attend a pregnancy sex class," he sighed in disapproval.

"A sex class? What the f*ck do you need that for? Just stick it in her like you normally do. What could you possibly learn from that class?" Angus laughed off my idea of attending the class.

"You tell me, I'm just going to make her happy."

"If you don't want to come then don't. I'm doing this for you, because you're the one that thinks you're going to hurt me, and won't sleep with me because you think you're going to poke the baby. I'm fine not having sex ever again with you."

I was annoyed he wasn't on my team with this, and he was making me out to be some over cautious pregnant woman, that wanted to attend unnecessary classes to waste our time. I wasn't comfortable sitting in a room full of strangers discussing sex either, but I was doing this for us, why couldn't he understand that?

Angus began to laugh at me, while Harry just frowned back at me, not knowing what to say.

"Guess you either go to the class, or invest in a blow up doll ay," Angus nudged him.

"Don't you have anything to do today? It's a Friday night, go out and do something," I said in annoyance. He was a pain in the arse, and not helping the situation by making jokes about this.

"Yeah I actually booked myself into a sex class, that was my top pick for my Friday night," he mocked me.

Sometimes I truly disliked him, he could be a real asshole, but I still couldn't imagine not having him in my life at the same time. He truly was like the older brother I never had.

"F*ck off Angus," I rolled my eyes at him, then turned my attention back to Harry who was laughing at my fiery attitude.

"Are you coming or not? I don't mind going alone and having the instructor demonstrate the moves on me."

"Over my dead body, let's go," he finally stood up and walked towards the door, leading us out to the car.

"I'm sorry for being so difficult about this, I'm just uncomfortable about the whole thing," he apologised to me, placing his hand on my knee as he drove.

"It's okay, you know I find this stuff embarrassing too, we can be uncomfortable together," I reached up and tucked one of his lose curls behind his ear.


"Take a seat on one of the mats, the instructor will be here shorty," the receptionist at the check in instructed us when we arrived at the class.

The room wasn't as full as I imagined, which calmed my nerves a little. All the couples looked to be around the same age as Harry and I, and all the guys seemed to have looked just as bored to be here as I'm sure Harry was.

We took a seat on the last mat, next to a blonde couple. They seemed really quiet, and he was very attentive to her needs. He made sure she was comfortable on the floor, asked if she needed a drink, all the things Harry did for me.

He sat behind me with one leg up for me to support my back against, and the other beside me.

"Is it biased for me to say you're the sexiest pregnant woman in this room?" He whispered into my ear, making me smile.

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