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Lots of time skips read carefully

The next day                          November 6th

Airport | Miami, Florida                  3:28 pm———————-

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Airport | Miami, Florida       3:28 pm

"Momo." Melody groaned as her and Laysia grabbed their bags in the Miami airport.

"What's wrong? The baby okay?" Laysia immediately became alert as Melody was bending over, holding her stomach.

"No, it hurts. Really bad." Melody frowned, tearing up as she held her stomach.

"Shit, shit." Laysia cursed under her breath when suddenly Melody doubled over in pain.

Melody fell on the ground, holding her stomach and crying hysterically, gaining the attention of many people around.

"It hurts so bad." Melody cried over and over again, shaking her head as she held her stomach.

"Shh, it's okay. Take deep breaths with me." Laysia tried to calm her down, rubbing Melody's stomach. "Someone call an ambulance!"

+ + + + +

"Melody, you have to push for me. Okay?" Laysia gently said, brushing the hair back from her forehead.

"He too early. I can't, Momo. I can't." Melody cried as the nurses tried to get her to push.

"You gotta do it, pookie. Come on. Push one time as hard as you can." Momo cooed, holding Melody's hand.

Melody screamed loudly, crying in pain as she pushed with all her might.

"We got the head!" A doctor yelled, holding Melody's leg in place.

"I can't. I can't." She kept crying, shaking her head.

"Do it again for me, Lolo. You got this. Don't you wanna meet your son?" Momo asked Melody, feeling terrible since her cousin was in so much pain.

Melody cried, trying to get some words out but couldn't.

"She's losing oxygen!" A nurse yelled, causing another nurse to run and grab an oxygen mask.

Shortly after they got the mask, Melody was able to keep pushing.

"One more, ma'am." The doctor informed Melody.

Eventually, her heart stopped as she heard her sons cries fill the room.

"You did it, Lolo. I'm so proud of you." Momo grinned as the doctors cleaned up her son.

They finished cleaning him up and cleaned Melody's lower area up before placing her son on her chest for skin to skin contact.

"Would you like to cut the cord?" The doctors ask Momo and she scrunched up her face.

"No, thank you." She politely smiled.

Melody was stuck in awe at the sight of her son, laying on her chest.

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