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Home | LA, California        3:58 pm———————-

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Home | LA, California        3:58 pm

"I'm scared." I frowned, bouncing my leg as I sat on the side of the bed.

"Why?" Melody asked me.

"Because...what is it going to say? What is your brother going to say?" I pouted, looking at my lap.

These past two weeks, I just had a feeling something was off with my body.

Kayden, Jace, and Cia just finished their sophomore year a few weeks ago and we celebrated but they've been home for a while.

Kayden been sick nonstop and right now he sleep in our room while I'm in my hair room with Melody.

Even though I wasn't sick I knew something was wrong with my body and it had been feeling off.

After calling Melody earlier, she came over with some pregnancy tests and I just took three.

"My brother is going to be so happy. You know he been wanting a baby right?" Melody reassured me.

"Yeah, but are we ready for one? I mean I'm still doing hair outta our two bedroom apartment." I motioned around my hair room.

"But you one successful ass hair stylist, are you not?" She questioned.

I slowly nodded and she nodded too.

"Okay then.." She trailed off, rubbing her chest as her breathing started picking up.

"Shit." She mumbled and she got up, digging around in her tote bag before pulling out a pink inhaler.

She took two pumps of it before rubbing her chest again and putting the inhaler back in her bag.

"Childish ass shit." She mumbled, coming to sit back down beside me.

"That's still crazy. How you get asthma outta nowhere?" I questioned.

"My doctor said it's normal to develop asthma. That's why I was fainting and I was lucky enough to come in when I did before it got worse but bitch it's getting worse." She rambled.

My Melody IIWhere stories live. Discover now