Forty Five

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Sunato Banda listened to the door slowly close behind him, heavy and loud; it echoed when guards slammed it shut. Back home. He sat down on the bed, seeing himself in an already too familiar mirror. It was too big to his taste. Usually when he was laying down he had to face the wall, otherwise his reflection would stare at him all night. Or rather he didn't want to close his eyes when facing the glass surface.

What a view.

He studied his own tired face, eyes barely open from unusual exhaustion. He had nothing better to do in his cell other than sleeping yet boredom sucked the energy out of his body everyday. Banda began to hate that sight.

I don't know what you could possibly see in me.

His look was never his concern. Neither was staying in prison for months before.

I guess meeting you made me somewhat different.

Banda looked down at his hands, with darker spots here and there, and immediately realized Chishiya could've seen them. Most likely. He let out a deep sigh and carefully unbuttoned the grey shirt, with the intention to put on a short-sleeved tshirt instead. There was no rush in doing anything anymore so he took his time; the fabric slowly slid off his body.


Bruises and wounds started around the shoulders and continued down his chest, all the way to the waistline; some were unusually dark but most of them looked simply purple. Banda didn't even want to think about what his back looked like comparing to the front. He put a new grey tshirt on, laid down and frowned in pain - that was the answer. Even resting on his back felt too painful.

I wouldn't want you to know. Maybe you'd worry about it when there's no need. I'll be gone soon enough.

A bizarre feeling, caring about someone else. Banda knew it was as strange for him as it was for Chishiya; using your own energy to focus on others. A feeling he didn't get used to quite yet, especially when having to deal with it in the real world. But it felt nice at times, knowing he was loved. It definitely changed something in him, once he finally received something he's never had before.

Doesn't change the fact I want to kill all these guards for beating me up like an animal.

His inmates used to be great at plotting some type of revenge each time that happened. It was usually at lunch when they sat together and thought about what to do, taking turns in accepting the punishment for attacking the guards. But that was time ago. Once given death penalty Banda stayed separated from everyone else, no longer able to get that sense of solidarity. Not that he ever had any friends in prison, anyway.

It's funny how they want to rehabilitate us yet nothing makes me think about murder more than being here. Next time, if I'm fast enough I can grab the guard at the door and smash his head against the-

Banda closed his eyes, patiently waiting for the door to open again. He listened to the steps echoing in the hallway, one leg always a bit slower than the other; he wondered how many times would the psychologist show up before the execution.

The door opened but Banda didn't move an inch, still laying in bed with his eyes closed.

"Good morning, Mr. Banda. I'm assuming we'll have a long conversation today. How was your stay at the hospital?"

Banda finally opened his eyes and looked at the older man.

"Good" he answered briefly. His psychologist sat down on a tiny chair in the corner of his cell.

"What a tragedy, that Shibuya explosion. Glad you made it out alive. Did you get to experience some more of the outside world before they brought you back here?"

Roulette // Chishiya x Banda // alice in borderlandWhere stories live. Discover now