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Why am I so cold?

Chishiya blinked in surprise as he felt no clothing on his chest, except for a rough towel resting on his shoulders. His skin was wet and covered in goosebumps; confused, he looked down and realized he had shorts on thank god.

The tent he sat in was pretty large, ground covered with at least a few blankets and sleeping bags. It felt almost like a bed, if ignoring the redness coming from the fabric walls. Chishiya rubbed a towel against his skin, trying to dry himself off as quickly as possible.

"We should go to sleep" Banda pointed out appearing inside the tent. His hair was wet and he had an unbuttoned blue shirt, exposing the skin more or less depending on his movement. Did we... take a shower together or something?

As Banda entered the tent some air came in from outside; it smelled like heavy rain and wet grass. Chishiya liked it, though that only meant the tent was in the middle of nowhere, possibly near a forest.

These dreams get so realistic it's unbearable.

"Can we go back to the topic of what this place is?" Chishiya moved a bit so Banda could sit next to him. The man looked at him in disbelief.

"Are you serious?" He frowned. "I spent an hour explaining everything to you today."

"I guess I... dozed off?" Chishiya tried to find an excuse. It seemed like the world in his dream carried on when he was awake. The time didn't stop just because he was conscious somewhere else. Or rather unconscious in here.

"No you didn't" Banda exhaled. "Really, what's with you? You act normal most of the time, then all of the sudden it's like you're somebody else."

"Because I don't belong here. It's just a dream and you're just a part of it. This version of you isn't real."

"You really are delusional." Banda's eyes became cold. "I am real. All of it is. You've accepted it for a long time, until now for some reason."

Chishiya suddenly felt like breathing was a difficult task, barely able to fill his lungs with air.

"Do I stay here... willingly?"

"Kind of. We didn't choose to be sent here at first. Later on though, when given a choice, you decided to stay. I decided to leave but somehow got stuck with you which, to be fair, I don't really mind. Hosting games together has been fun." Banda carefully observed his reaction.

Why did I decide to stay here?

Chishiya couldn't understand anything from these dreams and frankly, he enjoyed the ones where he fucked with Banda way more. Since he was stuck in a world he didn't understand, unable to recognize what was even real, he decided to just leave it. Simply wait until he wakes up.

"Let's go to sleep." Chishiya put the towel aside and laid down on a sleeping bag. He saw Banda think about something intensely but he joined him right after. "Maybe it's the tiredness."

"I wish I understood what was going on in your head" Banda murmured as he laid on the side, staring at Chishiya. "I want to help, somehow. You know I love you even if I'm confused. "

"Huh?!" Chishiya turned to him abruptly. What did he just say? He inhaled seeing Banda's face expression change. Is he getting mad I reacted like this? "I mean, I, you know, I'm not trying to confuse you, it's just-"

Chishiya woke up, suddenly sitting up as he heard a doorbell inside his head. And everywhere else really. He already had nicer clothes on, along with shoes, waiting for Kyuma to pick him up. He must've fallen asleep right after getting ready.

Roulette // Chishiya x Banda // alice in borderlandWhere stories live. Discover now