Thirty Eight

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Chishiya slammed the door and looked at Banda from head to toe, more confused than mad. The man had untied shoelaces, his sweater and trousers completely wet; he didn't realize it was pouring outside. Banda grabbed a few strands of hair, squeezing raindrops onto his hand.

"How did you know where I live?" Chishiya asked calmly, keeping the distance. He would've pushed him behind the door if the killer wasn't soaked.

"Niragi" Banda replied casually. "He helped me get out and he'll make sure to pretend we went for a walk in the morning. I should be good until then."

"What do you mean in the morn- Are you planning to stay here all night?" Chishiya crossed his arms. This is not happening. He's not expecting me to keep entertaining him, right? Just because we went too far in the morning doesn't mean that-

"You look tired" Banda suddenly said, ignoring his question and staring at him in a curious manner. He stood in the middle of the room for a second, then headed back to the door. "My bad, doc. I'll go back now."

"No, wait." Why are you stopping him? You very much want him to leave and come back to the hospital. Chishiya exhaled. After all it was him that started Banda's sneaking out habit. "Stay, it's pouring and you're sick. Why did you come though?"

"I don't know. Bored." Banda shrugged. "I was already on my way when talking to you."

So he walked outside having my shirtless video on? I'm gonna kill him.

"Alright. Take these off, I'll get you dry clothes."

Banda said and did a lot of surreal things but it wasn't Chishiya's business to try figure them out. He started accepting that man was just weird, his actions not making sense most of the time. He annoys me but it's not like he'll be around for long anyway. Chishiya found a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie but he didn't want to turn around, knowing Banda was taking his clothes off.

"Don't be ridiculous, you walked into the bathroom when I showered. You saw me naked." He heard an amused voice behind him.

"Whatever." Chishiya threw the clothes at him, keeping his eyes up enough he didn't glance where he didn't mean to. Giving Banda time to get dressed he came up to the fridge and checked out their food options. He ate earlier so he wasn't hungry; Banda might've been, on the other hand. Chishiya decided to go with egg fried rice.

"It's a bit too small but it works" Banda said, the sleeves of his hoodie unable to even reach his wrists. It didn't look great but it also wasn't bad; Chishiya could only think he expected it, seeing Banda's posture. The killer picked his wet clothes up from the floor and hung them on wooden chairs to dry.

"Come here, I need you to chop this spring onion" Chishiya murmured and backed off, letting Banda come near kitchenette as he went to grab a sleeping bag. A sudden thought spun around his brain. I'm letting him stay near knives. What if- Chishiya shook his head, trying not to think about things that weren't going to happen. He wanted to believe he had nothing to worry about, despite them being alone and Banda feeling well enough to be able to attack him. Again. Stop thinking about it.

Chishiya placed a mat on the floor, along with the sleeping bag and a bunch of pillows. For a second he thought maybe Banda should be the one sleeping in bed as he was still sick but he decided he didn't want the man to be anywhere near his bed. Floor should be enough, maybe that'll make him leave early.

"Oh." Chishiya turned around to realize Banda has finished preparing the entire meal. The man just looked at him and shrugged, a nearly invisible smile appearing on his face.

"I haven't prepared food in a long time. Even something as basic was kind of... fun." Banda looked at the rice. He seemed hungry so Chishiya rushed to grab proper rice bowls from the shelf.

Roulette // Chishiya x Banda // alice in borderlandWhere stories live. Discover now