Season 5 Episode 4

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"Hey! I have your costume right here, thanks for letting me borrow it," Mackenzie said, handing me my "Boom Boom" solo costume from season 2. She had competed the same solo just this past weekend, and won with it. Keeping our legacy alive.

"Thanks, Kenzie," I said, taking the small bag with the folded up costume and setting it by my stuff.

Nia and Dr. Holly walked into the den.

"Hey, Nia, how's your granddad doing?" Kendall asked.

I saw the pain in eyes. The helplessness of not being able to prevent the inevitable. The death.

Melissa is telling Nia about how special their bond is, and talked about how he used to drive her to every dance class, when Jessalyn, and Christy arrive with their daughters.

"Hi," I said to the blonde girl, Jojo, who sat down next to me.

"Hi!" She responded in a cute raspy voice.

"Your Jojo right? It's great to meet you," I smiled at her, and she gave me a huge bright smile back.

"It's so cool meeting you, too! You're, like, a huge inspiration to me. You inspired me to look into acting," She says.

"Aww, really? No one's ever said that to me before."

"They should, you're, like, totally awesome," She said, and I noticed the way she moved her hands around, and had a lot of body language when she spoke.

"You're awesome, and so sweet," I hugged her, and then we go into a conversation about hairpieces.

Miss Abby calls us into Studio A for pyramid, getting straight to business.

"It's the last week before we travel to Los Angeles."

The room feels a little awkward, and I'm assuming it's due to Jojo and little Sarah H's presence.

Miss Abby compares this situation to a callback, where only one person gets picked, and therefore little Sarah is dismissed.

Then, Jojo gives Miss Abby a gift, a cute little bracelet with a bow on it.

Of course, Miss Abby makes a snarky comment on it, and then dives into a rant on Jojo's "horrible behavior."

If you ask me, she just has some trouble reading social cues.

Then, Miss Abby has Maddie and I each discuss what we did the week prior.

"I attended an event to promote my newest movie, a lot of interviews and stuff, and then we had a photoshoot, and then a meet and greet," I said, hoping I didn't sound entitled at all.

"You see, that's what you girls' are gonna be in for. You wanna make it big in Hollywood, and be in movies, you have to be there for the press events, the premieres, the award ceremonies, all of it. You have to be 100% committed," Miss Abby drones. Ah, I see. It was to make a point.

There is more talk of Hollywood, and that delves into more mocking of poor Jojo. Kira mocks her speech impediment, because Jojo can't really pronounce her R's. Isn't she like, 10?

Kira's an adult. She should act like one.

Miss Abby moves on, blaming the loss of last week's group on Maddie's absence. Seriously, just Maddie's.

My mother is quiet. Doesn't she care anymore? She will scream and yell over a ton of stuff, but not our mistreatment, not anymore.

Because now, she would be a hypocrite. She treated us just as badly as Miss Abby in some ways.

We are told that there will be an audition for a new teammate in LA.

Did we expect any less?

Then, we're giving a packing list for Los Angeles before moving onto the pyramid part of pyramid.

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