Guess Who Has A Secret?

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At the pyramid, Brooke told Abby she wanted to go to a school dance. Abby said she could go, and she wasn’t in the dance for the competition this weekend.

Basically, Brooke’s dream.

I had another jazz solo this week. It was called “Circus” Abby told me it had to be sassy and hot. Great choice of words for an 8-year-old child I say.

Our group this week was called The Huntress. Because Brooke would be gone, Abby had brought in Payton to dance with us.

It’s not that I had a huge problem with Payton. It’s just that her mom is kinda mean to my mom. Not that my mom doesn’t deserve it, but my mom is a complainer, and in the end it spins back to me.

The next thing Miss Abby talked about during pyramid was, surprisingly, my sister. She wasn’t in the room, but she was in a baby ballet class.

“Chelsea, Alyce’s younger sister, will be performing at the competition this weekend. Almost as an audition, to eventually join our team in the way Mackenzie has,” She said.

Abby: With the girls getting older, and by next year Mackenzie will be my only mini. If I want the ALDC to dominate every age group, then I want to see young, fresh talent.

My solo had a lot of really difficult acro tricks in it.

The whole time I was running my dance, Abby kept yelling, “It’s the biggest competition in the United States!” Over and over between her normal corrections.

I kinda got the vibe that this was a big competition.

During my rehearsal, Miss Abby pulled me aside, over to the mats.

“Alyce, I really like this dance. It’s good for you, and I’m gonna say you’re one of my best dancers. You dominate almost every style I give you, and you’re dancing on a level right next to Maddie. Now, this weekend, the competition has two venues, and I was wondering if you’d want to perform a second solo, an old one you’ve done before. You don’t have to ask your mom or anybody else, alright? This is you and me. Now, if you want the oppurtunity, tell me. Right now? What’ll it be?”

I hesitated a monet, picking at my bare fingernails. Im as good as Maddie? And now i’m getting an oppurtunity Maddie wasn’t offered? First?

“Yes,” I said, my voice a little hoarse.

“Okay, we’ll finish this rehearsal and go over another dance tomorrow.”

Abby: This could be a big thing for Alyce. I want to do something i’ve never done before, and win two titles in one day. I think Alyce can do that, I have faith in it.

On Thursday, after dance was done early for once in my life (I had a private the next day, and it was easier to go to dance when you’re homeschooled, something I didn’t like to admit) me, and my mom and siblings got ready to go out.

We were going to dinner with Wyatt and his family. They were in town from Chicago and invited us to come.

“So how’s dance?” Wyatts mom asked me.

“Good,” I said, nodding my head. Wyatt kept kicking my foot under the table, and I would then kick back, so I was really focused on that.

“Deb, I heard from my agent that their doing a casting call for a young dancer. For Drop Dead Diva. The ALDC was on the list, apparently,” Wyatts mom said to mine, who scoffed.

“Well, if it’s anything to do with the studio, Alyce won’t get anything. Abby will pull all the strings in the world to get Maddie ahead of her and all those other girls,” Mine and Wyatts mom both shook their heads.

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