Season 4 Episode 2

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As I usually did when I was at my dad's house, I woke up to a screaming baby.

I knew that dad and Layla were trying super hard. They had 3 babies cramped in their room, for easy access, and one waking up was like a domino effect.

I checked the clock on my end table.


I sighed, and closed my eyes as another baby started on.

They were still very little, only 5 months old. But, they had formed the slightest bit of personality.

Ava was kinda bossy. She was impatient. Kinda fussy. She actually has Colic, so nobody is really too misunderstanding. Mostly, she has a pacifier connected to a little string on her shirt, one in her mouth, and two more waiting for when she inevitably throws it across the room.

Emma was the oldest, and the most active. She was also the laziest, if that makes sense. One minute, she was lying on her back, with everything she can get her hands on, and the next she's sound asleep. Seriously, like a rock. She was the first one to sleep through the nights, and not be awakened by the others, which was why I only heard two babies at the moment. It meant Emma didn't need anything as of now.

And then there was Aiden. He was the youngest, and the most chill. He cried at night when the girls woke him up, or when he needed a change, but was quick and easy to calm. If all little brothers were like this, I could get used to a few more.

Just not at the same time.

Avi and Riley were the luckiest kids in my family to not have to sleep (barely) overnight with the triplets. I loved them, I loved my dad, and I loved his house.

But maybe in a couple of years, when they were in preschool.

The next morning at dance, I groggily trudged in behind the other girls.

I was on top of the pyramid, and Paigey was right behind me

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I was on top of the pyramid, and Paigey was right behind me. Then Miss Abby gave out our dances.

Besides our standard group, there were two solos, for Chloe and Kendall, battling for Miss Abbys "number 2 spot". She also mentioned Maddie and I were going to be battling all season for that number one spot. I don't think Maddie and I have ever competed one by one before.

I just hoped that I wasn't the new Chloe. Going up against Maddie, and getting watered down choreography besides Maddies Oscar winning dances.

Maddie your dance will be about a young girl who finds out she has cancer, and gets lost in the woods on the way home from the doctors, finding a cure along the way. I need to see that with your eyes.

Alyce, you will have a jazz routine entitled Clifford the big red dog. Your a dog and your red. Kinda like how your mom's a bitch, and the red represents her anger.

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