Cheerleader Blues

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I was sitting in studio A, filming the chalkboard with the other girls. I was wearing a black sports bra, and bright yellow leggings, ready for the dancing to start.

The other girls wore generally the same category of clothing, dance clothes in short.

Well except for Vivi, and Miss Abby talked about it, because apparently her clothes were in the car.

Her dance clothes. She was wearing regular clothes, thank god.

Then Abby talked to Nia and Chloe about how their mom's weren't happy with the costumes last week.

She said it shouldn't happen again.

I'm still not sure why we're in trouble for our moms all the time. Kinda like how Nathaniel gets in trouble at school when he doesn't do his homework, even though he had to make dinner and put Chelsea to bed. But that was because Mommy was on a date, so it's not his fault.

Then Miss Abby showed us the pyramid. I was on top!!

"Alyce you're on top of the pyramid because you outperformed yourself in your solo last week, and the back tuck into the split was flawless for a trick you just got on the floor. And you won your title so I believe you deserve to be up here."

Alyce: I'm very excited to be on top because I hope I get more dances being on top.

Then she told us that we were doing an acro routine for the group this week, and talked to Brooke about how she expects more from her.

Me and my brothers get that talk when we forget to do stuff around the house.

Then she gave Vivi a solo, and so I gave Vivi a high five.

After Pyramid, I had my hip hop private (I do acro on Mondays, jazz on Tuesdays, hip hop on Wednesdays, and lyrical/contemporary on Thursdays) I used to do tap and ballet last year, but I didn't take formal classes anymore.

The HipHop classes at the ALDC were more of an extra thing than a main thing. I had been doing HipHop since I was three, and that class was how I first met Maddie.

It was November of 2005. I was three and a half years old and was in the front of a class filled with older kids.

This was my second year at the ALDC, having first joined when I was two.

My dad took me to the studio every day at 3:30, and picked me up at 7. He knew a lot of thr other moms, and arranged playdates with their kids and me.

My favorite of these kids was Paige Hyland, who I saw frequently, along with her brother and sister.

After the regular summer break, I was back at the ALDC in October, taking my classes. Acro on Mondays, jazz on Tuesdays. On Thursdays I had lyrical classes, and Fridays I did tap.

My main dance teacher, and one of my favorites, was Mrs. Miller. Not Miss Abby, she didn't teach me ever before the show, but her mother.

The first time I saw her during my 2nd year of dance, she asked me about my open day on Wednesdays. I was scheduled to take extra acro classes on Wednesdays, but on the first day I took too long in the dancers' den, and walked into Studio C instead of Studio B.

In the Studio was the HipHop class going on, with a bunch of older kids.

The next day I BEGGED Miss Abby at the front desk (with my dad behind me) to let me join the HipHop class. She did, to amuse the idea, and because she thought I couldn't.

Dancing With My Eyes Closed :•: A DANCE MOM FANFIC:•:Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz