Brookes Turning Pointe

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Chloe  Maddie  Mackenzie

Alyce    Paige    Kendall   Nia

Another day, another week, another pyramid. The routine was getting old, but I didn’t think it would last too much longer.

How many years could one dance show go on?

That previous weekend, after our competition, I was at Paige Hyland’s house.

The Hylands were basically my second family. Their brother was friends with my brother, and of course, Paige and I had been duet partners since we were 4.

Also at this sleepover were Kendall and Chloe.

The four of us were in our pajamas, all huddled on her bed, Paige wrapped in her pink comforter, and the rest of us in sleeping bags from the Hylands basement.

“So here’s the deal Alyce,” Paige lays it out for me. “You’re gonna go up to him Monday at dance, grab his face,” Paige put her hands on both sides of my face, saying, “and then you’re gonna-”

“Hey, hey, hey,” Kelly pops the door open, just in time to save my life, dignity, eyes, and ears. “You girls wanna decorate cookies?”

We all scrambled out of our blankets, agreeing in various forms.

Thinking I was safe was an amateur thought. A heart-shaped cookie frosted with “T.S.+A.W.” was brutally thrown at Paige, who ducked, causing it to hit the counter.

The next few minutes was an all-out frosting brawl, that nearly sent Mr. Hyland into cardiac arrest.

Then we spent over an hour cleaning the kitchen, all of us hysterical, not able to stop laughing for a second.

Back at Pyramid, assignments were handed out.

I wasn’t dancing this week, besides the group dance. There were 3 solos, for Maddie, Chloe, and Mackenzie.

Our group dance was called “Born to Dance,” and it was about…birth.

Loved that really, um…

Brooke was the lead for this routine, but she had cheerleading tryouts are the same day as the competition. When I go into high school, I wanna join the cheer team because I don’t think I’ll still dance full time.

Well, I used to think that. Before I got homeschooled. And before my life became only dance and acting jobs and auditions.

The cheerleading stuff was really for the show. Brooke did try out for cheerleading during the off-dance season, but she wasn’t able to stay on the all-star cheer team because of dance, kinda like how I wasn’t able to keep going to Annie auditions.

Which, by the way, my mom was working on working her way around. Apparently, there’s another Broadway show I have an audition coming up for. And this time, she said, she wasn’t gonna let the show stop it.


It is hard to be a team when the leader of your team is trying to pull you apart.

It was like Abby thought of us as magnets, and she was trying all the ways to get us to not pull back and group up.

Someday, we won’t.

And will it be her fault, or ours?

Finally, it was the last day of group rehearsal before the competition. I thought this dance was a “beautiful piece” as the adults in the dance world would say.

But Brooke wasn’t here.

Kelly had come in and said to Abby what was happening.

As expected, Abby was livid.

“You’re going to let a 13-year-old kid dictate my future? And every single one of these girls’ future?”

“No, I’m going to let my 13-year-old dictate her own future.”

Appalled, another grown-up word I had learned recently, Abby began to ramble about how Brooke was stabbing everybody in the back.

I had to give my hand to everyone. They were good actors, I mean, really, some of us should get Tony’s (even though Abby said I better someday because I skipped classes early in the week to go to my filming for Modern Family).

Abby had to have Gianna reblock the number the next morning. And she made me (!!!) the lead instead of Brooke. I was really excited since I really loved this dance. It was pretty.


It was the day of the competition, and after reblocking the dance with me as the lead, we were all putting up our hair and getting our costumes on.

Soloists were first, and Mackenzie was on.

After Mackenzie danced, we watched Chloe’s lyrical and Maddie’s jazz dance. Maddie had been upset to do jazz, and I guess she just doesn’t really like for things to change.

She told me that once.

Maddie got third (I felt like she should’ve been more confident, and she could’ve done better, she’s a good dancer), Chloe got first, and Mackenzie did too.

Next up was our group dance, and I will admit that I missed Brooke already, but I put my heart and soul into being the lead of that dance.

The candy apples dance, Mermaids, was honestly really disappointing. I mostly felt badly for Vivi because it seemed likely she got used for her age division.

Our group dance got first, though, and I hope that Abby saw this meant I could do well as the leader of a group, even if I’m one of the younger ones.

Abby and Cathy (and, well, all the moms) were in Cathy’s dressing room arguing about the bee costume. I can’t imagine why.

It was an ugly costume.

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