Aloha, Competition

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Today was the week of the wedding. It was Monday, and we were in a dance studio in Hawaii that we rented for dance this week.

Maddie Chloe Paige
Nia Mackenzie Brooke

“Okay girls. Competition last week was a yuuuuge success,” Miss Abby said. It was Tuesday, not our normal day for pyramid, because that was usually Wednesday. “Alyce won two titles, Maddie won a title. The group, however, got second, so as you can see Payton is not joining us this week. Last competition is in the past, because this week, we’re in Hawaii.”

We all clapped for being in Hawaii, and Abby continued.

“This Friday, you will all be attending Alyces father’s wedding,” we clapped again, and my dad, who had come and was standing against a wall, smiled at us, “On Saturday, you will attend Honolulu Spotlight dance cup. You will all be doing solos, and there will be two group dances.”

We were all kinda nervous about all having solos and two group dances. Normal solo weeks don’t have new group dances.

“Our first group dance is called “Always a bridesmaid. " You will all be in it. Our second group is called “Don’t you worry my child,” and only five of you will be in it. Those five will be Nia, Maddie, Paige… Chloe and Alyce. Our second group is being choreographed by a guest choreographer named Matt Jacobs.”

We all clapped.

For our solos, some of us were learning new ones, and some of us were doing old routines. Brooke was doing Paint the Picture, Nia was doing Working Girl, and Maddie was doing The Quiet Voices.

Kenzie had a new solo called “Hit the Road Jack.” Chloe’s solo was called “Runaway,” and it was contemporary. Paige’s solo was called “fierce,” and it was acro jazz. My solo was called “Dear Future Husband,” and it was jazz.

Chelsea was here, too, and she got a solo, too. Abby said that because she was the youngest one here, she expected her to be better than we were at her age.

Her solo was called Cooties. I hoped she would do well so Abby would let her on the team.

Me and Chelsea were the first people to rehearse our solos, then I would rehearse the groups, and we could go do stuff for the wedding.

Chelsea was the flower girl, and Aleah and I were bridesmaids. My dad and Layla invited their family and friends.

When Chloe met Aleah, they immediately started talking about ballet. Aleah was going to be on Pointe sometime next year she said, and had been training in ballet/contemporary/lyrical since she was 6.

On Thursday, we had the rehearsal dinner. Everyone came dressed up, just not in the official wedding clothes.

It was fun, and then the girls and I got a special surprise.

Layla and the moms were going to a Bachelorette party, and my dad was having a bachelor party, so me and all the girls got to have a sleepover in our own hotel room.

We had an ugly dance off, and Mackenzie won it. She did a donkey kick using her elbows instead of her hands, landing on her butt.

We all couldn’t stop laughing.

Aleah showed us her side aerial, and it had gotten very professional looking. And she could do a front walkover and a handstand.

Finally, it was the morning of the wedding.

We all ran down and got hotel breakfast. We all had a picnic on the floor of the hotel room, and my brothers and Avi (Aleah’s brother) came in too.

Then, our moms came in, and we had to get dressed.

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