season 3 episode 4

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It felt weird not being in Pittsburgh. My mom was with Chelsea at dance, presumably doing pyramid, while I was in New York, alone.

Okay, I wasn't alone. I was 9 years old. My agent, Monica, was staying with me. Plus there was a few crew members here for footage.

They were not allowed to film inside during the audition, they could only wait till I was done, and then stage something similar to what happened.

Monica came in with me, and I looked down at outfit I had picked it myself.

Monica came in with me, and I looked down at outfit I had picked it myself

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I had a day that was packed with things to do

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I had a day that was packed with things to do.

Not to mention the real audition, followed by the fake audition, and then confessionals, but I also had the meeting with Mattel. Like, a super real meeting.

Monica said that today, I had to act "mature". Basically, she was telling me to suck it up and put my big girl panties on, whether I liked it or not.

It was easier to play along and tell myself I liked it.

The song I was singing for the audition was called "Naughty." The whole musical was kinda about kids standing up to adults.

Their were other kids there, and a few of us did partner work together, reading the scenes we were asked to by the casting crew.

Their was a lot of that type of stuff, and Monica told me it was apart of the more final stuff. They need to see how cast members interact with each other.

Then, after my real audition, we took a car to another location to film a fake one, with members of the crew staging as the casting directors. There were a few other kids, who I assumed were hired by the show.

It was a smaller version of the audition I was just at, and a lit less...professional. It was like playing house. It was fun, but you could tell it wasn't real.

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