Chapter 40

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Daemon wasn't the greatest when it came to feeling, a fact he knew and accepted. The only way he could help when situations were dire was to kill the perpetrators and give awkward hugs. In this particular case it was even harder to find the right way to approach such a delicate subject so he didn't. He helped Viserys take a bath and redress in fresh clothing, keeping silent all the way waiting for his brother to start talking. And he will start talking. Daemon knew Viserys, he saw the reticence on his face when Maenera broached the subject. He also had a vague impression that he wanted to talk just not with Maenera. So he waited, and waited, and waited some more and when they sat down to have something to eat Viserys finally broke the silence.

"I don't drink wine anymore." Said Viserys blocking the goblet in front of him with his hand when Daemon tried to pour him some wine. Jug still in hand Daemon observed Viserys. He was quite serious in his statement. Daemon nodded and put the jug down on the farthest part of the table choosing not to drink wine as well.

"Viserys..." He began hesitantly." You know I am not good at this. I do not know what to do and what to tell you, but I can listen." He practically begged his brother to start saying what is on his mind.

"I know." Viserys responded with a wary smile. "There is not much to tell. I told you, I don't remember anything."

"Your state says otherwise."

"I am not like this because of the act in question. I mean I am but I am not." His brother seemed to stumble over his words.

"Take your time."

"I thought I was going to die." Viserys said quietly.

That brought Daemon to a pause.

"When whatever the fuck was in that wine began taking effect, I thought I was going to die. It blackened my vision, I stumbled around trying to call for help, unable to make my mouth work, unable to scream."

Daemon was listening with rapt attention.

"My only thought was that I was going to die alone. None of you at my side. I thought I was going to die and none of you were there." His tears started pouring on his cheeks." And then I woke up. I woke up feeling sick. Head hurting and vomiting, and still alone! Then Vaegon told me what happen and I felt..."

"How did you feel?"

"Wrathful." He whispered. The quiet admission made Daemon think that something was wrong. Something was wrong in the way his brother said it.

"Wrathful at whom?" His brother looked at him but refused to answer." At me?" He asked.

"No." He responded sharply.

"At Maenera." Daemon concluded.


"Why?" Daemon asked incomprehendly.

"BECAUSE SHE IS NEVER THERE!" his brother roared getting up from his chair. "She is always too late! Too late to warn Father, too late to save her mother, too late to save Aemma and Baelon, too late to save me!"

Daemon didn't say anything, just listen to his brother rage. He knew Viserys was wrong. He was hurt and chose to blame the wrong person. Accusing their sister for things out of her control was wrong and Daemon could barely contain himself not to explode and do or say something he would regret. Viserys was not rational now, he tried to repeat himself. He is hurt and scared and doesn't know what he is talking about. None of the events that Viserys had listed were Maenera's fault. Their father had died because of a burst belly, nothing a child could do. Her mother could arguably be her fault but she tried to save her. Aemma and Baelon were definitely not her fault, if he dares to say it out loud he could say that it was actually Viserys'.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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