Chapter 23

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Harwin Strong was not a man easily surprised. He learned when he was quite young that life can be unpredictable and so, he made a habit out of expecting the unexpected. It seemed that the Targaryens were an exception to that. After Queen Aemma died it had been one unsuspected event over another. When his father told him about the discussion between the Princess and himself after the council meeting, he was a little bit wary she knew too much. His father told him that the Princess was the one to disqualify his youngest sister, that in itself was something to be grateful for. His father also theorized that the Princess was the one to convince the King not to marry, in doing so sparring his other sister. He doubted that the little princess had that much power over her brother, but his father was adamant.

After all of this here he was. In the chambers of the King offering his fealty to his little sister. Prince Daemons burning holes in his head the whole time. He didn't understand what the Prince's problem was exactly. After all he thought that they were kind of... friends? Did his Prince doubted his ability to protect the Princess?

"Well , brothers. It seems that I will be leaving you now." The Princess said.

"Where are you going?" Asked Prince Daemon.

"Ser Harwin will accompany me to see Shrykos." She answered and she made her way to her brothers. She kissed both of them on the cheek and had a silent conversation at which the King nodded.

"Come, ser Harwin. We have things to do." She said and he quickly bowed to the King and Prince and started to follow after her.

She was silent in the corridors, her steps unhurried. She took a turn left and stopped in front of a wall. Faster than he could properly observe she pressed something on the wall and the wall opened showing a corridor behind. He didn't dare to question anything, just followed along, but some questions were suddenly answered. His father always complained the Targaryens ability to appear out of thin air, it seemed that the Princess choose to reveal that secret to him. They walked for some time through the dark corridors and again the Princess stopped in front of a wall. As expected the wall opened and he saw that they were outside the Red Keep, coming from somewhere below the ground they now stayed at the bottom of Rhaenys Hill. She started going up the hill, him following closely behind.

"So, Ser Harwin, are you excited to see a dragon up close?" She asked.

"Yes, my Princess. I saw them on the sky of Kingslanding but never had the opportunity of a closer look." He responded and suddenly the clouds parted and a beautiful white dragon started landing on the hill.

The Princess made her way to the dragon and began petting her snout. It was such a domestic picture, of course if you could ignore the fact that the dragon was not a dog, but an enormous beast with big teeth and claws that could breathe fire. Both the girl and the dragon were a beautiful contrast to their surroundings. A mass of white in a sea of green and blue. He was so absorbed in the sight that he did not noticed the other two dragons that approached them. The hairs on his neck stood up and he straightened his back. He slowly turned his head and he saw that he was surrounded by dragons. The Blood Wyrm, Carraxes, Prince Daemon's mount at his right and Vhagar, the largest and oldest dragon alive, King's Viserys mount at his left. They were extremely quiet, no sounds were heard except of the wind. All the dragons, and that affirmation included the Princess Maenera, were watching him.  Slowly the Princess began walking towards him. She looked him dead in the eyes like she was trying to weight his soul and he had the sudden urge to fall to his knees and begin worshiping.

"Tell me ser Harwin, do you know what happens with the men that betray the Targaryens?" She asked and he had a vague idea that her question was a rhetorical one, so he stood silent even though his heart began to beat loudly in his chest.

I AM A DRAGON - HOTD AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant