Chapter 14

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Something didn't feel right. That was the first thought Viserys had. He cracked open an eye an low  and behold someone was missing from the bed. The pressure on his chest wasn't suffocating, trapping yes, but not suffocating. That meant that one of his siblings was not currently on top of him. He looked down and saw Daemon sleeping on his chest. He really needed to break his brother of the habit of sleeping on him, there is a whole bed left for him to sleep on.

His sister was missing. He gently pushed his brother of and got out of bed. He took one of the gowns from the back of the chair and put it on. Viserys made his easy out of the room and heard humming. It was a sad song, a haunting one. He followed the sound and saw his sister on the balcony fully dressed in the clothes for the funeral with her curly hair unbraided staring in the distance. It was dawn now, so he didn't know exactly how long Maenera has been awake, but from the looks of it, quite some time. She didn't realize he was approaching, she seemed lost in thought. He put his hands around her and she jumped slightly turning her head to look at him.

"Good morning." She said

"Good morning. What are you doing awake at this hour? "

"I need to get ready for the funeral."

"The procession won't start until noon."

"I have too much to do. I needed to get ready and I already asked for breakfast to be brought for you and Daemon, I need to go get Rhaenyra ready, speak with Rhaenys, speak with the silent sisters and the valyrian priest, and I need to talk with the dragon keepers to ensure Syrax is brought on time. " She stated a bit panicked.

"Hey, hey, look at me." He said taking her cheeks between his palms and making her look at him." What you need right now is to take a deep breath and calm down"

"I can't calm down, i have too much to do."

"You will calm down. All this, what you said to me can be easily be done."

"I know i just..."

"And who told you you are going to do all that alone? You need to delegate tasks, you are a princess, the rest of the world will do as you command."

"I just want today to be perfect."

"I know, but today we have a funeral to go through, nobody will expect perfect. And even if they do, they can go fuck themselves. Now take a deep breath." He said and was thankful that his sister listened.

"Now, you and I are going to wake up Daemon, and have some breakfast. Afterwards you are going to help Rhaenyra while me and Daemon get ready, then I am going to sent ser Harold to speak with the silent sisters and the priest. You will speak to Rhaenys while Daemon goes to see to the dragons and I will be keeping the council of your backs. How that sounds?"


"Good." He said and placed a kiss on her forehead. He let go of her and started to make his way towards the room his brother was sleeping in.

"Viserys... Thank you." She said

"You do not need to thank me, you are my sister. I will always be here if you need me."


Maenera left to help Rhaenyra and Daemon was left alone with his brother. They started getting ready in silence. He didn't really want to break that silence but it seemed like his brother had other ideas.

"I found her this morning on the balcony." His brother began" Maenera was panicking about today."

"Panicking about what exactly?"

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