Chapter 36

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Maenera woke up in the middle of the night angry. Beyond angry, she was enraged. They hurt her brother. She was going to burn them. She played nice until then, trying to maintain the peace, trying to appease commoners and Lords alike, no more, the gloves were off. Fuck them and their titles and their castles. Her brother may not want to rule over a Kingdom of ash but she had no problem with it as long as all those she cared for were safe and happy. Viserys was one of hers and they have the audacity to try to control his fate? No. They hurt her brother and they are going to pay dearly for it.

She run from her bed not caring that she was still in her night clothes. She took her dagger and ran for Harwin's room. She slammed the door,the poor man jumping from his bed completely nude reaching for his sword. He looked around dazzled trying to find the danger and not finding one. Well she was a danger but not to him.  It wasn't until he realized who it was that he began blushing and tried to cover up. She didn't quite understand what he was doing, he tried cover up with his sword. The sword was big but the man was bigger. The sword didn't hide anything. If the situation was different she may be impressed with the specimen in front of her, but as of right now she couldn't care less about the man's body.

"M-m-my Princess. Did something happened?" He asked and she looked around the room trying to spot a pair of trousers. She quickly found them and threw it to him.

"Yes, get dressed, my brother was hurt. We need to get to Kingslanding." She said and his expression changed. At once he became focused and serious. He got dressed quickly, took his sword and followed her down the corridors. She was walking fast, almost running through the silent castle.

"We need to get there fast. My brother is being hurt as we speak. I will land on Rhaenys Hill, Vhagar will be angry and trying to get to Viserys. I need to stop her. While I do that you will run as fast as you can to the City Watch. Find Ser Wilhelm and tell him what happened. You are to quietly enter the Red Keep, do not create a disturbance, do not wake up the Keep. Take a hundred men with you and go for the King's chambers, if you arrive before me there do not enter the rooms. The rest of the City Watch are to spread through the city and close the gates. Nobody gets in nobody gets out. Do you understand?" She instructed and he nodded. "Are you sure you got all that? Once we land I will not have time to give you more instructions, as I said, I need to calm Vhagar."

"Yes, Princess, you can count on me."


They made their way to Shrykos. The she dragon seemed as restless as Maenera. Thankfully both Shrykos and Harwin got used to each other after three years. Shrykos liked to tease Harwin, she would lightly push him with her tail making him fall to his face. The feelings Maenera got from Shrykos in those moments was pure amusement. If dragons could laugh, her dragon would be in hysterics. Shrykos barely waited for them to strap in before she took off feeling her rider's need to move fast.

They arrived in record time in the Capital. The sun was barely up.  As planned as soon as they touched down Harwin began running in the City Watch direction and she began going to Vhagar. The old she dragon was moving form place to place batting her wings smoke coming out of her nostrils. She seemed angry but unsure. Years of commands contradicting her need to find Viserys.

"Gīda ilagon" (Calm down). She said getting in front of the beast. She didn't seemed to be in the mood of talking commands.

"Iksan kesīr sir, daor jorrāelagon syt vēdros dombo" (I am her now, no need for anger anymore). Vhagar started to growl.

"Ȳdra daor sagon hae bona.  Īlē jorrāelatan mōrī bantis.  Sir iksan kesīr" (Don't be like that. You were needed last night. Now I am here.) Maenera said. The old beast clearly didn't like that. She opened her maw and shout balls of flame into the air trying to intimidate her. That got Maenera angry. She switched to common.

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