Chapter 33

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After they arrived in Kingslanding they had one night of good rest. One. Because of course his sister had to ruin the peace. They were in the middle of dinner,the Strongs once again invited over by Viserys. Daemon wondered if this is going to become a common occurrence. There were valid reasons for it of course, Lord Strong was informing Viserys and Daemon about what had been done in their absence, his sister and the younger generation were discussing what he supposed was gossip. There was some idle gossip, but at the same time it wasn't, not really, it seemed more as a transaction based on information. Maenera, telling them about the North and they reciprocate with the comings and goings of the Red Keep. The younger son of Lord Strong seemed particularly well informed. He was half listening into their conversation and found out that Rhaenys and Corlys had a fight, then Laena and Corlys as well, a maid fell pregnant with a second son of House Florent, two knights from the Riverlands got into a fight and his Gold Cloaks had to intervene, and the youngest son of Otto Hightower was still lingering in Kingslanding.

On the other side of the conversation Lord Strong informed Viserys that the ladies Daemon sent letters to, responded and some were already on their way, Lady Celtigar being only a day or two away from arriving. The men offered positions on the small council also responded affirmative, even the Dornish. Daemon was surprised about that one, he expected some resistance, maybe it was curiosity on their part, that made them want to accept. Anyhow he was confident that his sister would not let danger in their home. Lord Strong was urging him to find a replacement for the role of Captain of the City Watch until Lord Tyrell arrived, some of his soldiers began to be unruly. It seemed like a visit to the barracks was in order, he wouldn't have the City Watch descent into chaos again, he needed to put the fear of Caraxes into them. Coming back to his sister it seemed like she had a plan for tonight, as usual some kind of disturbance that would make Daemon giddy and Viserys wanting to rip his hair off. Daemon didn't mind per se, but what was a bit worrying was the subject this sister disturbed the peace with.

"I promised that when I get back the lessons will begin. Tonight will be the first one." His sister said.

"What are we to do first, Princess?" Larys curiously asked. Daemon could see that the man was excited. Even Lord Strong and his brother stopped their conversation and were now listening to his sister.

"Well first, I would of course like permission from Lord Strong to take you out of the keep." She said looking at Lord Strong.

"My son is a grown man, princess he can make his own decisions." Responded the man.

"Yes, but I was mostly asking for little Alys." At that the man began to look hesitant. " Both her brothers will be with her and so would Daemon. She will be safe."

"I will?" Daemon asked stupidity.

"Yes." She responded and the man still looked hesitant, but agreed. Having both Larys and Harwin seemed to do the trick.

"We are going into the city?" Daemon asked.

"Yes and no. We need something from the city and then we are going into the Kingswood. We should be back by morning. "

"The Kingswood?"asked Larys.

"Of course, you have the blood of the First Men, your magic will be stronger if you base it on nature. The old trees, the hard ground, the wild animals." Responded Maenera.

"What about yours Princess?" Asked Harwin. Daemon was curious as well.

"It is a bit complicated, I have both the blood of the First Men and that of Old Valyria. I feel well in nature, but it feels more comfortable for me if I am surrounded by fire or in the air. Dragonstone is a good place for me." She answered. That made sense in Daemons opinion. Even with her mother's Stark heritage she was still a dragon.

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