Chapter 25

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The siblings were once again having breakfast together and Viserys was waiting patiently for one of them to start talking. It became a routine by now. Every morning during breakfast the siblings will share their plans for the day. Viserys loved this, the quiet mornings, the peace, the routine. It was unexpected to say the least, with how chaotic his siblings actually were. These mornings were reminding him of a quieter time, when his mother and father were planning the day together making sure each knew where to find the other.

"I will need the list of ladies soon." Daemon began.

"You will have it by dinner today and you can start sending the ravens." His sister replied.

"Shouldn't we wait until after we present it to the council?" Viserys asked.

"We all know that presenting the list to the council is more of a formality. They have no say in their households, we just want them to feel important." Daemon said.

"Don't start again Daemon. The council is there for a reason. To advise."

"And I haven't denied that. I am just saying that it will be easier if the letters are already written ready to be sent. I of course will for the wonderful advice of the council." Said Daemon and Maenera snorted.

"Why do I somehow doubt that."

"So little faith you have in me" Daemon said dramatically.

"You little shit." He mumbled under his breath."What are your plans Maenera?"

"I will go speak to Uncle Vaegon this morning, after that I have a meeting with Rhaenys."

"When did she asked you for a meeting?"

"She didn't yet."

"Did you see something?" Viserys asked.

"No." Now he was confused.

"Then how do you know she wants to speak with you?"

"I was in the tunnels and heard her talking with Laena. She will send word after lunch."

"Why do my siblings live to annoy me?"

"Because that is what siblings do." Replied Daemon to his rhetorical question.

"And what do you have in plan for today, your Excellency?" Maenera asked and Daemon started snickering.

"I have a training session with ser Harold, afer that I will send some time with Rhaenyra and before dinner I will ask to speak with Lord Strong."

"Whoa, slow down. You want to train?"



"Yes, Daemon, me."

"Since when did you start training again?"

"Since this morning."

"Why didn't you ask me to train with you?" Daemon asked and Viserys heard the hurt in his voice.

"I... Just believed that you will be too busy now with your new position as Hand." He said weakly. His sister, damn her to all seven hells, realized the true reason behind Viserys choice in sparring partners. 

"That is not the reason is it?" Daemon asked and his cheeks coloured slightly. His sister began laughing even harder.

"Yes it is."

"No it is not"

"Yes it is."

"No it is not. You are embarrassed." Well he was fucked." If you are worried that you are not on par with me with the sword, you have to know that it is fine. You will get better." Oh bless his soul. He was so grateful sometimes that Daemon was so obvious. For a second there Viserys was worried Daemon had realized, but no.

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