Chapter 18

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Viserys and Maenera quickly adopted a pleasant expression on their faces, and not for the first time Daemon was surprised at how good his siblings could mimick happiness. He knew that his sister had her signature sweet smile and his brother the kindly expression he usually used in court. When the Velaryons were shown to the room, Daemon could see the fearful expression Rhaenys was sporting. Good, at least she realizes she is in trouble. The children were mostly confused and Corlys had a rebellious look about him. Was that how Daemon was looking every time he rebelled against his brother's whishes? If so he needed to change that as soon as possible, Corlys looked just about ready to throw a temper tantrum.

"Cousin, so good for you to join us on such short notice." His brother began.

"What is this about, cousin?" Rhaenys demanded, she really needed to break that habit. She was not the queen, she needs to be more respectful.

"Well since we realized that your husband and daughter were already on their way to Dragonstone, my siblings and I decided to keep the meeting we were supposed to have, here. After all where woud be better to have a family discussion than in our ancestral home.?" Daemon wanted to laugh, Rhaenys and Corlys were so confused about the pleasant tone his brother was using.

"Please, please, take a seat, there is no need to stand, we are among family after all." His brother continued and his smile became a little too sharp. Showing a little more teeth than usual. He saw it, but Rhaenys must have missed it.

"Thank you, cousin. I must say that this is an unexpected welcome."

"Well after our talk, I had time to calm down and realize that we were both under a lot of stress and things degenerated. " Viserys said taking an apologetic expression.

"Yes, it was not an oportune moment for us to have that confrontation." Rhaenys agreed, relaxing slightly.

"Cousin, I must say, I know why your daughter is here, and while I had no problem allowing your son to keep his dragon after I was crowned, your daughter is another matter entirely." Rhaenys tensed again, she was just about to comment when her husband beat her to it.

"She has dragon blood, it's in her rights." Corlys interjected.

"And I am not saying it isn't, but we must look into the future as well. Lady Laena while a prime example of a valyrian lady of good breeding, she is after all female. We just cannot know in which house she will marry.  And unfortunately I cannot see the future, she will marry of course but the question is to whom?, We cannot allow another house to have dragons." His brother explained.

"The Old King allowed the Velaryons to house dragons."

"The Velaryons, you, are kin. There is a difference. It is one thing for you to have dragons under your house names and another thing entirely for other houses to have them. Just imagine what the Lannister would do if they had only one dragon at their command." Viserys spun his web.

"That is true." Said the Sea Snake, even though Daemon could see the skepticism in Rhaenys eyes.

"She could of course marry later on back into the Targaryen family, and at that point she would of course be allowed to choose her mount." His brother added dangling the carrot under their noses. "That being said while I cannot allow dear Lady Laena to chose her mount today, I can offer you something else. My sister had agreed to take Lady Laena as her chief lady in waiting, while my brother had offered to take Laenor under his tutelage, as squire." Corlys expression smoothed out a proud smirk on his face while Rhaenys expression hardened. The poor girl looked close to tears at not being allowed a dragon while the boy still looked confused. Honestly there was something wrong with that boy.

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