Chapter 10

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Viserys was left alone with his sister, after Daemon fucked of gods know where and Rhaenyra left to visit her dragon with one of the kingsguards. He started to work on his Valyrian model just to occupy his time, while his sister was looking into the distance out of a window, humming some songs he didn't recognize and falling sometimes into a vision or the other. The silence was comfortable but something was nagging Viserys.

"Why are you treating us differently?" He suddenly said making her jump in her seat.

"What do you mean?"

"Daemon and I. It's easier for you to talk to him, to be playful and show that madness that I know is lurking around." He wondered since last night when she met her brother. There was an easy camaraderie there. Was it because of the age difference, but that was farfetched, Daemon wasn't all that much younger than him.

"You are the King and the head of Targaryen family. Your word is law. " She responded and that left him with more questions than answers.

"What does that have to do with anything? I am still your brother, we are all children of Baelon. "

"Yes we are all that, but my word or Daemon's, his decisions or mine cannot go uncontested just because we have a crown on our heads."

"So you treat me differently because you disagree with my decisions?" He was still confused.

"I think that since Visenya we had lousy heads of the family, I think that putting a crown on top unworthy heads is not what a king makes. "

Her words cut deeply, but he expected it when he asked. His sister was not one to mince her words. He knew Maenera abstained of making his opinion of him known till now because of the circumstances. Him being in mourning cut him some slack, but small comments still made through in the conversations. Her words from last night were ringing in his head. "You butchered the Kind Queen for a dying babe."

"Don't try and spare my feelings, i want to know exactly what you think."

"Alright." She said and he could see she was preparing herself." I think that Aegon should have never be king. He was a weak man that didn't know duty if he was hit on the head with it. Visenya should have been queen in her own right as it was valyrian law. She was the firstborn and she was the head of the family long before Aegon became king. I think that Maegor was right in taking the throne and squashing the rebellion. I think that Aenys was even weaker than his father and so we're his sons after him. I think that Jaehaerys was a mediocre king and a bad head of house. And lastly I think that the title of King and head of family should have never gone to you. "

"I think that you are easily malleable by those around you, you have a too soft heart and lack the cunning and slyness necessary to make even an mediocre king. I think that you are so lost in that dream that you had that you are going to make grave mistakes in order to fulfill it. And I think that you should not be head of the family because you forgot how to be a Dragon."

Maenera took him entirely too serious when he said that she should not spare his feelings. He thought that what was said to Rhaenys was bad, but no, this was worse, much worse. And again not untrue. He knew he had his failings but for them to be laid bare by his sister hurt.

"Who... Who would you think should have taken the throne? Rhaenys?"

"Do not ask questions, you already know the answer to."



"Daemon didn't even put his name down in the Council."

"I know, he wouldn't have, he loves you too much. He knew you wanted it and made it happen. Did you know Rhaenys ask for his help? He said no of course, but the parallel is worth considering. You didn't even asked him, just assumed he is on your side. "

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