Chapter 19

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Breakfast was a tense affairs. Between the Velaryons that is. The royal siblings had no such problem what so ever. While Rhaenys and Corlys had a silent war with each other it seemed, Laena was still morose. At least Laenor didn't have such problems, he was digging with gusto and seemed to vibrate into his chair since Daemon said good morning to him. Were Viserys and Daemon so obvious at that age? Doesn't matter. It was a good day. He and his siblings were in good spirits. Maenera was playful this morning, bantering with him and Daemon, stealing food out of his brother's plate. Her mood seemed infectious. Viserys was even proud of himself for landing a smack on his brother for eating the last orange slice. He usually didn't care if Daemon ate the fruits, but they discovered that oranges were Maenera's favorite, and the pout on her face was convincing enough for him to act in her defence. He observed that Maenera every morning inhaled everything with oranges, the slices, the little tarts, she even asked for orange juice at breakfast, leaving the watered wine untouched.

"My lady" started his sister." If you are to become my lady in waiting, i would like to know more about yourself. What activities do you enjoy?" The question was addressed to Laena, of course, who seemed to freeze at being put on the spot.

"I enjoy embroidering, princess, and walks through the gardens. " An obviously rehearsed answer. He was sure his sister was going to respond accordingly.

"Bah... Seldom, girls our age enjoy those things. For example I don't. I have a fair hand at embroidery, but it bores me to tears."

"Then what do you enjoy, princess?"

"I enjoy collecting secrets." She fake whispered."I like to know everybodys secrets. From favorite food to unsavory pleasures. For example I know of a lord who has many bastard children, but his wife doesn't know of them. Not an uncommon thing of course, but to keep them so close to home? Without his wife permission... That is a scandal. " His sister said and he saw Corlys tense. Rhaenys narrowed her eyes, as if she was trying to narrow down a list of unfaithful husbands.

Corlys reaction was interesting and worth taking notice of. He was sure that his sister had a motive behind her statements. If his deductions were right, and they usually were, Rhaenys is going to drown Corlys in the sea he loves so much. Maenera didn't give any names or locations, but he could see the seed of doubt in Rhaenys eyes. What a vicious little menace, his sister was.

"So now that I told you my pleasure activity, you have to tell me yours. I am simply so curious."

"I like to read the history of Old Valyria and I like to try new things, food, dances, visit new places." Well that at least sounded genuine.

"Do not worry my lady, you will have an abundance of all this things while being in my company.  Viserys is an expert in the old writings, especially those of Old Valyria and Daemon had traveled so much, he has all kinds of stories for us to enjoy. And between you and me, I am sure that we can convince him to teach us some of the more exotic dances he learned in his travels." His sister said and Laena let out a chuckle.

If that was not manipulation at it's finest, he didn't know what was. She was dangling the prize in font of Corlys eyes again as well as trying to ease the fears of the child. He didn't really know if his sister liked Laena or not. While she praised what could have been Laena's dragonriding skills and tried to ease her fears and make her more comfortable in the presence of the royal family, there was something mean, angry in her eyes sometimes when she looked at Laena. There might be that Maenera saw something she didn't like about the girl when she was older, but was nice with her now because that didn't happened yet. She did the same thing with Rhaenyra. He knew that his sister hated the older version of his daughter that she saw in her visions, but at the same time she was still a child now, that just lost her mother so his sister didn even hesitated to console her. That didn't happen with him of course, part of her resented him for his future choices, but he supposed that the difference between him and the girls was exactly that. He was a grown man, almost thirty years of age and those two were little girls. The changes he has to make to change the outcome that she had seen will have to be radical. He understood that now, and had already started to do so.

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