Chapter 37

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"DRAGOOON!" Daemon heard the shout from inside his tent.

Dragon? What dragon? Which dragon? He got up from his chair and exited the tent. Low and behold in the distance Vhagar could be spotted. The great beast was flying fast, with purpose. The worrying thing was that he didn't see his brother's silver hair on top of her. A shiver ran down his spine. Where was Viserys? There was of course the possibility that the old dragon grew bored in Kingslanding and went on a flight, but the chances were slim. Vhagar was quite lazy in her old age, preferring to stay in her cave and sleep. He didn't see Shrykos or Maenera either but that was not surprising, they usually blend in with the clouds making it hard to be seen. Corlys, Vaemond and Laenor approached him.

"It seems your brother got tired of waiting." Said Vaemond.

"My brother is not on Vhagar." He said and he could feel the stares of the other men on his body.

"What do you mean the King is not on Vhagar?" Corlys asked.

"Exactly what I fucking said. Viserys is not atop Vhagar, she is flying alone."

"She seems to fly straight to us."

"Yes she does."


"I do not know. She may be on a leisure flight."


"Or she is on a fucking rampage burning everything in her way, both options are viable. It's hard to know with dragons." He responded.

"We didn't receive any ravens saying that."

"Hard to send a raven when you are burning alive."

"Should we make a run for the caves? Just in case?"

"It won't matter, she is old enough to melt stone."

"The water?"

"She will boil you in it."

"So what? We just stay here and hope that she passes us?"

"Yes. Let's hope my brother is alright and that this is just a flight out of boredom."

"Can't you do anything?" Asked Vaemond. That angered him.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do? Fly out to her and ask her what is wrong? Excuse my impertinence oh mighty Vhagar would you be so kind to tell me where the fuck is my brother, and why is he not with you?" He said sarcastically.

"We could meet her in the air. Try to divert her." Said Laenor again the voice of reason.

"It would be suicide, if she feels threatened she will attack. She will rip Caraxes and Seasmoke to pieces. Better to wait it out."

And that's what they did. All of them waiting with their hearts in their throats to see if Vhagar will attack or not. Just as Vhagar passed above them the clouds parted and Shrykos and his sister were making their descent. She didn't seem particularly bothered by the gathering of men, preparing to land in the middle of the camp leaving the soldiers scrambling out of the dragons way. She wore armor, war braids in her hair. Long gone the girl he left in Kingslanding, in her place a beautiful woman. A beautiful angry woman. Daemon could see the anger and determination in her eyes, Shrykos mirroring her rider's emotions let out a loud roar. Something definitely happened. Besides her dagger now on her hip also rested his brother's sword, Blackfyre. He refused to believe his brother was dead. The thought was absurd. Maenera promised him that she would not hurt him, that she would protect him while Daemon was gone.

She got down from her dragon and made  her way straight to him. She didn't say anything for a moment. The siblings, just looking at each other. Nobody dared to interrupt. She had grown. She was taller, the baby fat in her cheeks almost gone, a few freckles adorning her face. It was hard to determine how exactly her body changed because of the armor, but there was no denial that she came into her form  delightfully. The spell broke and she flew to his arms. He embraced her and lifted her off the ground in his arms. Her arms were keeping him tight against her. Daemon buried his face in her hair planting a small kiss on her neck. Not lifting his head nor letting her go he began talking.

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