Chapter 1

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There were too many people in the Red keep today. The new king, his Grace Viserys I Targaryen was listening to petitions on this day. Nobles and peasants alike were waiting in line to speak with the King. Of course most of them were incredibly boring concerns, a few missing sheep here, a runaway daughter there. Something that his Grace was thankful for. He wasn't Jachaerys, major disputes and wars were not his forte, so he was thankful for the quiet boring concerns. He had enough problems of his own, his wife, her grace queen Aemma Aryn was with child again, while this was supposed to be a matter of celebration he couldn't suppress the feeling of dread. They tried again and again, failed pregnancy after failed pregnancy, the only ray of sunshine was a little miracle in the shape of a princess that carried the name Rhaenyra. If Viserys was still a prince and not the king, that would have been enough, he had a daughter, a beautiful fierce little dragon, but he wasn't a prince, so the expectation of a male heir was pressing.

That leads to his second problem, his brother, Daemon Targaryen, Prince of the Blood, The Rouge Prince and Wielder of Dark Sister  While he loved the little cunt since his father put him in his arms wen he was only 4 years old, he was the root of half of Viserys problems. Daemon was wild, restless and bloodthirsty, not necessarily bad qualities, Damon after all at only 20 raised an army to defend his brother's right to the Iron Throne and succeeded. Viserys was king now because of his brother, something that he will be forever thankful for, but it was hard to like him. Viserys loved Damon with an intensity that only those of dragon blood could understand, that didn't mean that he liked him very much.

Daemon was as expected exiled again. Viserys lost count how many times the Old King, their father, Baelon, the Spring Prince or himself exiled Daemon hoping that he will go back to his wife in the Vale. That didn't happen of course, he left King's Landing, going to any destination that wasn't his wife's bed, a whore house in the Free Cities, a whore house in Westerlands or even a whore house in the North. There were a lot of whore houses, and that was the problem, Daemon was willingly spilling his seed in every woman that he could get his hands on except his wife, the Lady Rhea of Runestone. His marriage to this day was still unconsummated, the horror stories of their wedding night still running rampant through the Seven Kingdoms even now 6 years later. Nobody knew exactly what had happened that night with the exception of the newly married couple themselves. The remarks after the wedding night that the couple have made in the past were enough for speculation. Lady Rhea said that his brother was a brute and an animal, and that he should be put down like the rabid dog he was. His brother didn't said much during the morning after but Viserys saw the glimmer of hope that he still had at the wedding was gone and what remained were hard eyes and clenched jaws whenever his sister in law was brought into conversation.   Daemon confessed to Viserys during one night of drunkenness shared between them, that she was a frigid bitch and that he would rather fuck sheep because they were prettier.

Viserys brother constantly tried having the marriage annulled and even extracted a promise from his father Baelon, if by the time Baelon was king and the marriage problems were still constant he would annule the marriage. That crashed and burned, when the Spring Prince died of a burst belly, and so the constant nagging fell into Viserys shoulders. The first boon Daemon asked after Viserys was made king was naturally, the annulment. It didn't happen, Viserys was a new king and couldn't dissolve an alliance made by the  Good Queen Alysanne. Harsh words were exchanged then between the brothers and for the first time in their life Daemon left by his own, to everyone surprise, to Runestone. The new King was happy thinking his brother would fix his marriage now that the annulment was denied again. He was happy for all 10 days, then the repots came from the Vale that Daemon has bedded all his wife maids and then left on his dragon, destination unknown.

For the first time in his life Viserys was truly scared that his brother won't be back. Daemon even exiled send word where will he be going, with who and of course his best wishes to his family. That didn't happened then, the Rogue Prince and his mighty beast, the Blood Wyrm, Carraxes were seen departing Runestone at dawn, no word for their whereabouts, no good wishes for the family, not a word. Viserys spilled bitter tears in a moment of weakness, surrounded by Aemma's arms, when after a month no word of Daemon was heard. Not even a whisper was heard for a few month and the King started to believe that his brother was dead. Not even his favorite whore, Missy- something knew when interrogated where Daemon has disappeared to.

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