Chapter 2

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The King's hand would surely leave bruises. That was the first thought that ran through her mind while being dragged to the Red Keep. She was almost running trying to keep up, hoping that her arm will not be ripped off from it's place. Even the kingsguard had to walk more swiftly to keep up with the frantic King.

She wasn't expecting this. True, she didn't know what to expect. After 2 whole days of waiting in the blistering heat, inhaling the foul air of the capital she was finally in front of the King. At first it was clear that his mind was not in the petitions. The Hand did most of the talking and passing judgement wile the King left his mind wander. So she waited, and waited, and waited some more, until finally as through the awkward situation penetrated his day dream, he focused. He focused directly on her, and she would be a liar if she said that those purple eyes didn't burn. He hadn't said a word then, not when she lifted her head, not when she spoke, not when his Commander whispered something to him and not when he read her message. His reaction was slow but visceral. When he finally understood the message he almost killed his Lord Commander, pushing him down the stairs. The King grabbed her arm in a death grip almost lifting her up the floor. She still had to walk on her tip toes. Viserys I Targaryen was deceivingly strong, for his stature.

And there she was now, following more or less by her own accord, up and down the corridors. Oh .. look another set of stairs. She was starting to get dizzy. She didn't really blame him for his reaction. She appeared out of nowhere with a coded message and from his point of view, threatened his family.

They finally arrived in from of two immense doors, that the King barely stopped to open, before letting go of her arm to begin pacing around the room. The Commander was awkwardly staying in the door, not knowing if he should come in or wait at his usual spot outside.  The Commander quickly realized that he is not getting a response from the restless King and broke the silence.

"My King, should I stay in the room or close the door and wait for your command outside?"

That seemed to stop the King from his pacing and looked blankly for a few moments at him.

"Wait outside? WAIT OUTSIDE? My family is being threatened by an unknown and you want to stay outside?" He all but roared at the Lord Commander, the man in question taking a step back, his eyes widening slightly.

"You, however you are, are going to take that thing of your head and tell me the name of your employer before heads start to roll. Starting with yours."

He tried to sound intimidating she knew. And maybe he was to other people, but to her it seemed like a deranged white bear trying to crush a fly and missing, hitting himself in the face. Her thoughts almost made her burst laughing but she abstained. In his deranged disposition he could order the Commander to chop her head and she knew if the Commander was anything, he was loyal. So no she didn't feel intimidated by the King, but her self-preservation instincts told her to be weary of the knight and his sword that were behind her.

She gathered her courage and slowly removed her hood. The two men that were in the room were struck dumb, it seemed. She was aware of how she looked, after all even her mother, the gods rest her soul in the 7 heavens, had trouble finding her when it snowed, and taking into consideration that most of her childhood was spent in the North, where summer snows were the norm, was saying something. She was pale that much was clear. She didn't really inherited her father silver hair, her being almost white. She had no pigment, the only distinctive colours upon her person were her black clothes and her eyes. Even the eyes were strange. Dual colored and bright, her father used to tell her that they sparkled when she was playing in the snow. He used to tell her that he could always find her by her eyes, she didn't know how much was true, but one thing was, he was the only one who could find her when she hid. Her mother asked him once how he was able to do so, and his response left her mother with more questions than answers. "Blood calls to blood"  he said. "A dragon will always find another dragon.". That was true she supposed, after all her father found her mother, but her mother was never dragon enough to find her.

"I have no employer. I gave you that message because it was the only way we could speak alone. I knew you would not want to discuss that message in front of the audience and my looks were not something that I wanted to make public."

The King seemed to finally come into his withs because he sounded a lot more confident and a little less deranged when he spoke.

"Who are you and why did you want to speak with me alone?" he asked.

"Did you not read the message? Your family is in danger, I am here to help." She replied starting to get annoyed with his lack of understanding.

"To help?" He asked staring at her in disbelief.

"Yes, to help." She replied

"You... to help?" He repeated.

"Yes, me to help!" She was starting to get angry. She spend two days in the sun, she was hungry and thirsty and tired and all he did was repeating what she said. Turning my heat to the Commander she asked.

"Is he slow? Why is he repeating my words back to me?" The corners of the Commander's lips twitched slightly like he was suppressing a smile.

"My lady I think that the King was surprised by your offer, alter all you can't be older than 7 years old." Her cheeks coloured red in embarrassment and anger.

"Eight?! I am almost 11, thank you very much. I am a little on the sort side but is not my fault that you are all giants!" She said in indignation. She almost stomped her foot, but her mother said it was not proper for a lady of her station.

A loud booming laugh erupted from the King, his all frame shaking, his head thrown back. Tears started to come into his eyes wile he laughed, supporting himself with a hand on the desk. Even the Lord Commander had a soft smile on his face.

Bitter tears started to gather at the corner of her eyes. She came all the way her to warn them, to help them. Months of traveling and evading thieves and rapists and murderers, for them to laugh at her? No thank you.

"Fine! Laugh at me all you want! Do not say I did not warned you when your wife is cut open from naval to breast, or when your skin starts falling of your bones, or when your brother plunges to his death along with his dragon!" She saw that she had their attention now, so she delivered her killing blow. " Or when your daughter is burned to a crisp  and eaten in front of her son!"

And with that she pulled her hood up and rotated on her hills and left the room. The men were struck too dumb again to stop her. Twice in one day, it must be a record, she thought while she wiped the tears that have fallen and rounded the corridor.

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