Chapter 21

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It was Viserys turn at a sleepless night it seemed. His mind wouldn't shut down. The council tomorrow was going to be a shit show, he knew. The dragon claiming, Rhaenyra's introduction as cupbearer, Vaegon's evidence, Rhaenyra's and Maenera's households, Otto and Allicent... It was too much. He knew that Otto and his daughter should be punished, but his heart hurt. He thought that Otto was his friend, an ambitious one but a friend none the less. It seemed like his ambition knew no bounds. To send his daughter to his chambers dressed in her mother's dress was too much. Viserys was not a godly man, the gods knew he had his sins that needed to be repented, but he would never whore out his daughter.

He knew his sister was going to humiliate them. That is why she choose to speak more in front of the council, that is why she had the maids in the room. By tomorrow the gossip those three women spread will be untamable. He didn't want the girl reputation to be ruined but at the same time, the vicious part of him, the part of him that was hurt was delighted at the damage his sister had done. He didn't know yet what his sister had planned for the girl, bit he knew what he had planned for Otto. His brother was right, Otto was a cunt.

Speaking of his brother, it seemed that the little shit, ironically was the only one not creating problems at the moment. Surprising but not unwelcome. He had the vague idea that it was because of his sister. Her disappoinment in you, hurt on a different level so, he thought, that his brother was only behaving to keep out of his sister disappoinment list. That and the fact that he was pretty sure that Daemon was half in love with her already. Sure... If asked Daemon will deny everything, but he saw them. Both of them were gone on each other. Daemon was looking at Maenera like she was a goddess sent from the heavens and his sister was looking at his brother like he hung the moon. They gravitated around each other, Maenera said jump and Daemon would ask how high. She was going to make him King, of that he was sure. The question was will she wait for him to die or something unfortunate will befall him soon. Oh... Viserys knew she loved him, but Daemon, Daemon was the one. Her twin flame. She was going to burn the world down for him if he asked.

It was ironic really, that the level of devotion those two showed each other, he hadn't seen anywhere else than the brother-sister couples in the family. It goes without saying that the others and their spouses loved one another. Aemon and his Lady Baratheon, Rhaenys and Corlys, him and Aemma. But if his siblings ever married they would never cheat, they would never lie. Daemon would have never given the order to cut the babe out if Maenera was the one in the birthing bed. Daemon would prefer to lose an unborn child that to lose half of his soul. Even now he could see them from his chair. They were tangled together in bed. They moulded to one another like they were pieces of puzzle. Her hand having a strong grip on his hair, the other slithered under his shirt. She was almost laying on top of him his arms around her in a hard embrace,like he was scared even in his sleep she would disappear. Their heads bended at awkward angles only so they could feel each other breaths. They were made from the same cloth. They had the blood of the dragon. Both monster children. More gods than men. They were restless and chaotic. Twin flames.


The morning came too quickly in Daemon's humble opinion. His sister looked like she drank liquid sunshine. She was buzzing from one place to another, over and over again. Like her skin could not contain her emotions. Viserys on the other hand looked like he hadn't slept a wink. He had dark bags under his eyes, his hair was ruffled and he had a sneer on his face. Wasn't he a vision this morning?

"Could you please sit down already?" Viserys snapped at Maenera.

"Well someone is grumpy this morning."

"Today is going to be hard enough. There is no need for your smart mouth. "

"There is always a need for my smart mouth... That didn't came out right..." Daemon snorted, even Viserys cracked a smile.

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