Chapter 24

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After almost three days of unknown whereabouts, Daemon made his way into Viserys rooms, where he was having breakfast with his sister. Daemon looked like he had a fight with a wild animal. His hair was all over the place, unbound and wild, his clothes askew and Viserys could see some nail marks on his brother's chest and neck from were his almost opened shirt was showing naked skin. And Gods he stank to high heavens.  He stank of old alcohol, sex and the cheap parfume the whores usually used.

He turned his eyes from his brother to his sister who was staring at Daemon. She put her cutlery down and got out of her chair and made her way throwards the door.

"I'll order you a bath and some clean clothes." She said and exited the rooms.

"What's wrong with her?" Asked Daemon and Viserys wanted to bang his head on the table.

"You have been gone for three days." Responded Viserys.

"Yes, and?" Daemon said and began eating.

"Daemon you have been gone for three days and you haven't told any of us where you will be going or how much you will be missing."

"It wasn't a problem before, and I am sure you realized that I have gone to the streets of silk."

Viserys didn't dignifie that affirmation with a response. His brother could be so obvious some times it hurt. Daemon always had some trouble with emotions. Even his own emotions were screwed up. He was not going to have this conversation again with him.

"Clean up and come to the council chambers. We have a meeting today." Viserys said and got up of his seat as well and left.


Maybe it wasn't his most inspired decision to leave without a word. That became apparent when he entered their rooms. Form his sister blank face to his brother's disappointed one, he got the message. He just needed some time to himself, damn it. It wasn't like he left for the Free Cities. He was in the city.

He washed and dressed quickly and left for the council rooms. Everybody was already there and his brother's glare at being late could be felt on his person.

"Now that we are all here, we can start the meeting." Viserys said." What is on today's itinerary?"

"Your Grace, we have a list with some potential Ladies in  waiting for the princesses." Said Lord Beesbury.

"Pass the list to Princess Maenera she will supervise this endeavor." The list passed from hand to hand until it reached his sister. Maenera quickly studied it.

"I see that House Manderly is again the only house from the North. I thought that we clarified this. The Manderly's are not suitable."

"Then who would you choose from the North, my Princess?" Asked Corlys.

"Two shield maidens from Bear Island. One for me and one for Princess Rhaenyra."

"Shied maidens? That is... An unusual choice." The Maester said.

"They are a smart choice." Said Lord Strong." Having someone who can fight to protect the princesses would be good."

"And why would they need protecting from some girls, that is why we have the kingsguards and the sworn shields. Capable and strong men to protect their Graces." Said the Maester

"You may forget Maester that there are some places that the kingsguard and the sworn shield cannot go."

"And what are those?"

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