Chapter 27

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The day of their departure arrived. All was done in Viserys opinion. Vaegon and septa Marlow were looking after Rhaenyra. Lord Strong was going to act as Hand, his children specially his daughter's were to greet any ladies that may be arriving in the time they are gone. Daemon left all neat and tidy for Lord Strong to take over. Viserys was a bit surprised, and he was also a bit ashamed of feeling that surprise, that Daemon was a good Hand. All letters sent, information gathered in a few days, good plans and good advice. He was always reticent in offering Daemon the position before, he rationalized it as his brother being too young, too wild, too blood thirsty. He was wrong. His brother adapted wonderfully to the position, it probably helped that he had a taste of responsibility as Commander of the City Watch. He had responsibilities before, for a few months he was Master of Coin and Master of Laws, but those positions weren't suitable for Daemon. Otto had said at the time he was a tyrant and a spent drifter, he knew now that those things weren't true, but the positions were not the best fit for Daemon anyway.

He flourished as hand, Viserys observed. He was punctual in the meetings, his problem solving on point and he didn't drown in the paperwork. Viserys was proud. Maybe he should have made Daemon Hand a long time ago. His brother was often blunt but honest and most of his advice was sound.

Now they all had in their hands the satchels for the trip. All three of their bags being put together by Daemon. He was the obvious choice. He was the one that traveled the most on dragon back. From what he saw, they had the necessities in the bags. Food and water, some change of clothes, some gold. Maenera insisted on a furred capes over their riding leathers, Viserys disagreed at first. It was summer. They will be hot even on dragon back, he thought, he was  quickly put in line by his sister. She only needed to mention the summer snows North of the Neck with Daemon backing her up. Less to say the rest of them quickly complied. Same with the boots. Ser Harold was a little disappointed that he had to leave his armour home, and Viserys was a bit surprised when he saw the man without his signature armor on. It was like he was naked! Viserys couldn't remember the last time he saw the man out of his armour. Even ser Harold looked weirded out by his lack ou armor.

It was clear that the tempers were running high that morning. Maenera was a ball of nerves and it seemed like her mood was transferred to Daemon as well. Viserys didn't think that Daemon realized how empathic he was when it came to their sister. Maenera had a good day Daemon had a good day, Maenera was angry Daemon was angry, Maenera was nervous, Daemon was nervous. It was amazing to witness really. It became clear that he wasn't the only one who noticed. Ser Harold and ser Harwin keeping their distance from the siblings as well.

When they arrived on Rhaenys Hill at down the dragons were already expecting them. If Caraxes and Shrykos were moving impatiently, Vhagar was sitting grumpily in the grass. She looked like she didn't want to be there and she didn't like what they had plan to do. She was glaring to all of them, like they were the root of all her problems. Viserys couldn't suppress a smile. He approached her and petted her snout, Vhagar letting out a grumpy rumble. As he continued to pet her she began to purr softly, well as softly as a dragon her size could do. He looked around and his siblings were doing the same thing with their dragons. Daemon was murmuring softly in High Valyrian to Caraxes and Maenera seemed to have a silent conversation with Shrykos, the dragon even seemed to nod a few times.

The two knights were at a respectful distance. Ser Harwin once again white as milk. He still didn't know what his sister did to the poor man but it became clear that dragons were involved. Ser Harold was faring better. Maybe he was becoming desensitized after running for so long after mad Targaryens and their dragons.

"Who is going to take who?" Viserys asked.

"I am taking Ser Harwin and Daemon Ser Harold." His sister replied.

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