Chapter 13

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Whey were walking back to Viserys chambers, their conversation light, but some tension was sill in the air. He wanted to both strangle his sister and be grateful to her that she interrupted the moment between Daemon and himself. He knows such thoughts were taboo, thankfully he never give them voice. He knew that Daemon had some male lovers now and again, but he didn't ask and his brother didn't tell. Viserys thinks that his sister knew about his thoughts, the way she was glancing between him and Daemon said as much. The little bitch is going to want to talk about this at some point or another. She was not going to let the dogs lie, of that he was sure. The only question was when. He wasn't looking forward at the conversation, but as long as she kept her mouth shut and didn't tell Daemon anything, he could endure the conversation that will follow.

"Daemon, you need to go in the city." Maenera said after they entered their rooms.

"Why in the seven hells should I do that?"

"Because there are some garments that you need to collect for tomorrow."

"You commissioned some dresses?" Viserys asked while he poured himself some water.

"Not exactly, I ordered mourning clothes for us and Rhaenyra. For tomorrow." She explained.

"We already have funeral clothing."

"Andal clothing. I ordered them to be made in Valyrian style."

"We never worn valyrian garments for funeral. Only for the wedding ceremonies."

"I know, something that I am trying to rectify. Jaehaerys has gone to great lengths to make us blend in with the andals, but we are not. Aemma and Baelon were Targaryens, they deserve proper valyrian funeral."

"What are you talking about? We've always sent our dead away in Valyrian fashion. We burn them in dragon fire."

"That is only a part of valyrian rites. The funeral garments, the dragon fire and the valyrian priests saying their prayers, all this, is part of the valyrian last rites. You didn't know?"

"I didn't." Viserys replied.

"I did, well partially. I knew that there were some form of garments that you needed to wear, Father wore something like that at Mother's funeral. Jaehaerys and Alysanne were angry at him, ordered all garments burned. Father manage to save some of them, he took a chest full of clothing and fled on Vhagar. Don't know exactly where he hid them, I am assuming on Dragonstone." Said his brother.

"We don't have time to order for them to be found and brought to Kingslanding, so I commissioned some for us. And I already arranged for a priest to be present tomorrow."

"When the fuck did you have time to do all this shit. You were with us in the last couple of days." Asked Daemon.

"Wouldn't you like to know, now go. You have an order to pick up. The seamstress shop is by the fruit stands, next to the big fountain by the Sept."

"Can't I have at least a bath?" His brother whined, but Viserys saw that he was already standing up and making his way throwards  the door. The power his little sister had over them didn't cease to maze him.

" A hot bath will be waiting for you when you get back." His sister said and Daemon left the rooms. He didn't say anything and neither did his sister. She went to the door and he heard her ask for a bath. Probably for him, he was stinking to high heavens, it's been a while since he did any type of exercise and it showed. He was sweaty and hot, and a bath sounded amazing for his aching muscles. The silence continued until the maids entered the rooms and started preparing his bath.

"You can go now, the King will be tended to." Maenera said and dismissed the maids.

"You know this is how rumors start." He said.

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