Chapter 4

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Prince Daemon was walking side by side with the Lord Commander, both of them lost in their own minds. Daemon loved his brother, he loved him since he he was born, since understood what a brother was. He loved his brother through the death of their mother and brother, loved him through the death of his father, but that doesn't mean he liked him very much.

He accepted with grace (more or less) his duties as Viserys brother, he always watched his back, defended him... Daemon made Viserys King. Even with all this his brother was throwing everything in his face again and again. Aemma was meant to be his bride, he knew, but Viserys took one look at her and that was it, not even a year later they were married. He gave his brother his crown and then the same brother he helped take the Iron Throne refused his annulment. He came back after months and was awaited with punches and kicks  and exile again. Oh Daemon knew he wasn't entirely blameless, no, but Viserys was his brother, and the blood of the dragon runs thick.

He knew even before Viserys confession that his brother was hiding something. He had been twitchy, more than usual, jumping at his own shadow. It of nowhere his brother suddenly grew a back bone, or an illusion of one, doubling Aemma's guards, forbidding him on fighting on dragon back, spending time with Rhaenyra and looking at her as she was going to disappear in thin air. He thought that his brother has dreamed something, he always believed himself to be a dreamer, horseshit in Daemon's opinion, but still he didn't say anything and obeyed the new rules.

To find out that he had a sister. One that Viserys had hidden from him. One that he lost like an idiot. A dreamer   it was enough for Daemon to want to smash his brother head, but now was not the time. Aemma's dead, his brother has a dying babe and a grieving daughter, a funeral to plan and a sister to find. Of course his brother was inept so it falls on Daemon's shoulders tk do all this.

"Are you free of your duties this evening?" Daemon asked the Lord Commander

"Yes..." Answered the man wearily.

"Good. We are going into the city. Find some whores and something to drink."

"Need I remind you, my prince, that the kingsguard is celibate?"

" No problem, some whores for me and something to drink for you."

They spent the walk through the city in silence, both knew that the subject of discussion could not be brought up in te open. The establishment they arrived at was a glamorous one, well hidden in the streets of silk. Expensive parfume and the smell of sex was in the air even before they walked through the door. Misaria as always was waiting for him, taking them to his private room.

"Should I bring my Prince and his guest some girls to entertain them?" She asked  not at all fazed about the presence of the Lord Commander, who already was marching to the bottle of wine that was on one of the tables.

"No, and you should get out as well and keep curious ears and eyes away from this room." That surprised her, he knew. Even when he had important guests he usually kept her in the room with him.

"Of course, my Prince." She said. Misaria quickly dropped into a courtesy and left the room.

"You didn't have to scare the Lady Misery half to death, my Prince." Said the Commander after he drowned half of the wine in the bottle.

"Targaryen family secrets are exactly that, secrets."

"Oh? I didn't know I was part of the family."

"You have been with us so long that you might as well be. And don't be impertinent,you are still in the presence of a prince."

"Of course, my Prince" said the Commander and Daemon knew he was abstaining from rolling his eyes. The Commander looked just about done with the shitstorm that was his house.

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