Chapter 28

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When morning came Daemon was rudely awakened by a maid they entered their room and without so much as by your leave began opening the curtains and stroking the fire. The room they were sleeping in was supposed to be Maenera's and by the lack of outrage on the maid's face she didn't realize that there were more people in the room that were supposed to be. He didn't move nor did he made a sound, just waited to see how long will it take for the maid to notice. He realized that Viserys opened his eyes and with amusement in his eyes he settled to watch the maid as well. As expected the maid finally turned and startled when she saw them watching. She let out a shout and dropped the pocker from her hands, the object letting a loud bang when dropping on the ground.

The noise woke Maenera up and she quickly lifted her head and started looking around the room. It seemed that the noise had not alerted only his sister but their guards as well, because they burst into the chamber, rumpled with their tunics undone but with swords in their hands. Ser Harwin and ser Harold surveyed the room looking for possible attackers only to find an amused King and Prince a disgruntled Princess and a terrified maid. Ser Harold after assuring himself there was no danger he shook his head, put his sword away and started dragging Ser Harwin with him out of the door. The maid seemed to be frozen in her place, no sound or movement coming from her. That seemed to amuse him and Viserys even more. When he began snickering the maid broke from the spell and started to apologize.

"I-I-I am sorry your Graces. I beg pardon. I didn't know that-that...." His sister took pity on the poor girl.

"It is alright. I assume you were sent to wake me up?"

"Yes Princess. My lady sent me to help you this morning and to tell you that breakfast will be held in the family wing."

"I do not need any help this morning. My brothers and I will be there for breakfast. You are dismissed. " The maid quickly curtsey and run from the room. His sister got up from the bed and started getting ready. His brother following her suit. Daemon wasn't so eager to get out of the warm blankets just yet.

"Lady Stark sent her? Do you think that maids were sent to our rooms as well?" Asked Viserys.

"Doubtful. She wasn't sent by the young lady Stark she was sent by the old crone. She wouldn't dare to bother you, but she will bother me." Responded Maenera.

"Why does she hate you?" Asked Daemon.

"Me personally? Nothing. My mother and grandmother on the other hand..."

"What did they do?"

"She was freshly wedded when my grandmother fell pregnant. The new Lady Stark and her husband Benjen, decided that she was a stain on their honor and that she was a bad omen on their new marriage. As I told you before, they sent her on Bear Island and declared her dead in the family book."

"Such hatred only for that?" It had to be more, the remarks and accusations the old lady Stark made were meant to be cutting. He doubted that it was only for this offence alone.

"No, grandmother gave birth to my mother, the years began to pass, my mother growing up without problems. Grandmother was flourishing on Bear Island, learning the use of plants and such. She became so good that people began calling her a witch. When the word reached Lady Stark's ears, she accused my grandmother of cursing her, because she could not bear a child."

"And did she?"

"No, grandmother was not powerful enough to cast spells, she was just good at using the plant and making tinctures. No one believed her ramblings and accusations. Years passed again and she still did not quicken with child she began to dispare. So she came to my mother and grandmother and begged them to lift the curse. They assured her that it was no curse but she would not budge. So my mother, she was only ten at the time I think. Gave her a tincture with her blood in it and told her that there was a price."

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