Chapter 16

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Something woke up Daemon in the middle of the night. All his senses were screaming at him. He kept his eyes closed and his breath regular and listened for any sounds that may be of place. He didn't heard anything out of the ordinary, so he slowly cracked his eyes open and surveyed the room. Nothing. Not a single thing out of the ordinary.  What the fuck woke him up then? His senses were still screaming at him. He pulled himself upwards in the bed and surveyed the room again. Still nothing. He looked at his siblings both were breathing peacefully. He couldn't see Maenera's face as it was smashed into his brother chest. He stared at them for a time, then he saw what appeared to be a black spot on Viserys chest. He slowly touched the spot and realized it was actually blood on his brother's chest. He quickly took Maenera of him, trying to see the source of the blood. As soon as he turned Maenera he was greeted by her eyes wide open blood pouring form her nose, ears and eyes. He, of course did  the only reasonable thing any men in his situation would do, he panicked.

"Maenera! Maenera wake up! He exclaimed while shaking her.

"Viserys, wake up. Viserys, you big idiot, wake up, something is wrong with Maenera! He screamed at his brother and pushed him so hard he almost fell of the bed.

"What... Daemon what happened."

"Something is wrong with Maenera!"

His brother turned his eyes towards their sister and saw the blank eyes and all the blood. By now all three of them were covered in it.

"For fucks sake Viserys do something, don't stand there and stare at her!"

"I don't know what to do to help, you imbecile. I should call for the Grand Maester."

"Don't be stupid Viserys we can't call the Maester. What would we be telling him. "Please do something, our sister is trapped in a vision and she started bleeding."

"Yes well, I out of ideas then."

"So what we just wait for her to snap out of it or bleed out?"

"Wasn't uncle Vaegon on kid way to Kingslanding? Maenera told us a few days ago that he is on his way already with the records."

"She didn't tell us how far away is he. "

"You could take Caraxes and look out for him."

"Yes, I'm sure that I will find him from the back of Caraxes in the middle of the night." Daemon responded sarcastically.

"So what? We just wait?"


"We should at least clean her up a bit."

And that is what they did. They started to clean all the blood from her person and stripped the sheets from the bed. They, themselves changed and then they settled around her standing vigil. The maids are going to faint when they come to collect the sheets in the morning.  Daemon does not know how long they stayed like that , but at some point the bleeding stopped and her eyes closed. She still didn't wake up, nor she responded to any stimulus, so they waited, and waited, and waited some more until the down came, and with it a knock at the door. Viserys got up and answered, the Lord Commander was on  the other side of the door.

"What is it?" His brother asked.

"I am sorry to disturb you, your Grace, but you told me to inform you immediately when Maestar Vaegon arrives." Well wasn't that a happy fucking coincidence... Daemon thought wearily. Daemon got up and made his way to his brother and Lord Commander.

"You stay with her, I'll go bring Vaegon."

All the early risers in the Red Keep could see a disheveled Prince almost running through the corridors. He saw Vaegon and they made eye contact.

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