Chapter 9

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Daemon and Maenera left Daemon's chambers and entered Viserys, they were to meet Rhaenys soon for lunch. Maenera slowly opened the door to Viserys bedchamber and checked on him and Rhaenyra.

"They are still asleep." His sister said while she took a seat beside him at the table.

"That's good, they need rest." He replied, both of them falling into a confortable silence. It wasn't long till Rhaenys was announced and entered the rooms.

"Cousin, my condolences." She said and embraced Daemon.

"Thank you."

His sister was quiet, not something unusual per se but her gaze was worrying. She didn't stand up to greet Rhaenys, that was rude onto itself. As she was a princess and the King's sister her rank was higher than Rhaenys so she didn't need to courtesy, quite the opposite actually. But Rhaenys didn't know that, nobody knew actually so this perceived insult could rise a lot of concerns. Rhaenys took it in stride though, never faltering under his sister gaze but her she made eye contact with him and there was a question there.

"Please cousin, have a seat." He invited her." I hope that Corlys told you what this is about."

"Yes he told me that he offered me up in front of the council to take over Aemma's duties for the time being." Her voice made clear her displeasure.

"Yes, you are the oldest woman in our generation, and you are family."

"May I ask why your wife didn't take this duty, as it should have been?" She asked face mocking.

"My wife..." He started but was interrupted by his sister.

"You should be grateful."his sister broke her silence. She now sported a full on glare directed at Rhaenys.

"Excuse me? Who are you exactly to make such remarks?"asked his cousin.

"Who I am is not the matter at hand. The Royal family knows my name and my status and that is enough." His sister replied. She was not pulling her punches. In one sentence affirmed that Rhaenys wasn't part of the royal family anymore and she wasn't important enough to know her identity. It was harsh but not entirely false. Rhaenys herself had refused any reconciliation until that point so she should not be surprised when they stopped trying.

"You should be grateful that you are allowed into the procession and you are given an important enough role."

"I am a princess of the blood" Rhaenys said and he could see that she was angry. Her cheeks were red and her fists were clenched.

"You cannot be a princess of the blood only when it benefits you. Since King Viserys has ascended to the Iron Throne you introduced yourself left and right as Rhaenys Velaryon, wife of the Sea Snake. You cannot enter into the King's chambers and act all righteous when you have spurned any reconciliation until now." His sister was in a spectacular mood and it showed.

"Even as lady Velaryon you have to show me the respect I am due. By the looks of it you are a dragon seed, a bastard." Well, Rhaenys laid her bed. Daemon sat back into his chair and waited for his sister to eviscerate the older woman. " Who's are you? Viserys? No, you have Daemon's impertinence and arrogance."

"For one, my lady, I am not a bastard, my parents were in fact married. Secondly I can assure you neither Viserys nor Daemon had fathered me. Thirdly, as I was saying, you can either be grateful for the opportunity presented to you and shut your mouth or you can go back from where you came from, tail between your legs and we will let everyone know that you were deemed unsuitable for the role. "

Exactly like he expected, Maenera destroyed her verbally. Not only pointed out the fact that she was true born and to call a true born lady a bastard was a big deal in polite society, but she had the looks of a Targaryen which meant that by law she was a princess as well. Another blow came from the fact that she referred to both himself and his brother by their given name and Daemon didn't corrected her, which showed a level of familiarity few were afforded. And of course the killing blow. It was no secret that Rhaenys was passed twice as queen, first by his Father then by his brother, but to be deemed unsuitable for a role that should go to her by rights as the oldest in their generation would destroy her reputation and any standing she had left with the royal family.

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