Chapter 5

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Daemon could not remember the last time he was so wrong footed. He didn't have any remarks to make and he had so many questions that it was laughable. At least he wasn't the only one, his brother seemed to be in the same situation. Viserys was opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water, trying and failing to find his words, and finally after a long silence he spoke.

"You came back..."his brother said.

"I never left. Not really." The girl said.

"What do you mean you never left?" Daemon intervened.

"Exactly that, after meeting his Grace, I intended to leave, go back North, go home." She said " By now you know what I am." She remarked after a brief pause.

"You are a dreamer." His brother replied quickly.

"Yes, but I do not know if I am like the rest. Father always said that I am different from Daenys and Aegon. My visions are not fixed, Daenys dreamed of the doom convinced her father to leave and even after years the vision didn't changed, Valarya was still doomed. I am not like that. My visions change based on decisions the people make."

"So your visions are not accurate." Daemon said trying to understand the point she was trying to make.

"They are pretty accurate, if I do not intervene, like I did when I came here that day. After the meeting I was almost out of Crownlands, when things started changing. I dreamed about the King, he was making decisions and changing his mind so fast that the dreams gave me migraines." She grimaced like she was remembering the pain she was in.

"But things are still like you predicted, Aemma is still dead." His brother said, his voice cracking slightly.

"Things are not the same. Yes, you still killed the Queen, but things are not the same." She said and and Daemon sucked in a breath waiting for Viserys to blow up. She wasn't wrong of course, his brother butchered Aemma, but to say that to his face?

" I did not kill Aemma!" Aaa... There is was. His brother slammed his hands on the table springing back to his feet.

"Sit down, you are looking like you are about to kneel over." His brother promptly sit down still glaring at the girl. " You had a choice, save her or the babe, you choose the babe, butchering the little queen in the process."

"What things have changed?" Daemon interjected, before one of them said something they regretted later. Daemon the diplomat... The thought almost made him snort. His brother was supposed to be the well spoken one, the mediator, but his brother was not in the right state of mind.

"Well... Christon Cole did not became a kingsguard for one. Rhaenyra didn't saw the butchered corpse of her mother, the world still doesn't know exactly what happened to the queen."

"How are this things important?" He asked sharing the confusion with his brother.

"You are a smart man, you tell me."

"I do not know about this Crispin, but I know my niece, she would have been traumatized by the sight." Daemon began.

"And she would have resented me." His brother continued." And if the lords knew that they have the option to sacrifice their wives for an heir, the women folk would die by the hundreds. "
"Yes." That was it, the only reply she managed to say before her eyes became glassy and she started to look blankly at the table. It was only for a few moments and before Daemon or Viserys had time to react she sprung to her feet and started talking.

"Come." She said already pulling her hood up and starting to walk to the door. "The babe the gentle Queen Aemma died for does not deserve to die in a dark room surrounded by strangers. Baelon does not deserve to die alone."

Daemon understood what happened. She had a vision of the child dieing and now he was, for the second time that night, trailing behind the girl.

The girl, he was sure, was quite mad. She was jumping from subject to subject, barely managing to finish a sentence. It was like the thoughts in her head were too fast for her too keep up. A remaining symptom from her ever changing visions perhaps. He now realized what the Commander was trying to tell him. The girl was far from normal, even by Targaryen standards. Sure he hardly had room to talk, the scales on his body, a testament of that, but he wasn't mad, well no more than any Targaryen around. Had she always been like that? He couldn't help but wonder. Westerling had seen under the mask, seen the madness even at an early age, but he didn't think that his brother was so perceptive. Now it was quite clear but he couldn't help it, his thoughts turned to his father. Had he seen the madness when she was a babe? Had her mother?

They walked into the nursery and all the maids, maesters and wet nurses courtesied. The Girl he observed was hidden in the shadows behind both himself and his brother. All the people seemed surprised that the King and his brother were in the room, a thing that angered Daemon.

"Everyone out." Said Daemona and all the people vacated the room, some of them were trying to take a glimpse at the figure hidden in the shadows. After the door was closed the girl lowered her hood and going to the cradle, she took the babe in her arms. She then came back to where he and his brother were standing and put the child in Viserys' arms.

Not one of them spoke, his brother keeping his eyes on the child in his arms as he struggled for breath. The girl then did something that surprised him, she put her arms around Viserys and lowered her head on his shoulder. That prompted him to do the same. He put the arms around his brother and his forehead lowered on his brother other shoulder. He didn't know how much time they spend like that. None of them saying a word only listening to the babes rattling breaths.

The child eyes opened for a moment as to take them in one last time and then he closed his eyes and the breathing stopped. The dam broke in his brother, letting out what could only be considered a whine his legs gave up and he started sobbing. He and his sister gently lowered fisheries on the floor as his brother sobbed and clutched the baby close. His sister had tears in her eyes and he wasn't far better. The pain Viserys was in shared between them.

After Viserys stoped sobbing and shaking, Daemon let go of him, climbed on his feet and helped his brother up as well. He gently took the bundle out of his brother's armes, with the intent of giving him to the silent sisters that were no doubt waiting outside (those hags could smell death from ten miles away) but before he passed the threshold his sister voice was heard again.

"May the gods rest his soul in the 7 heavens. Farewell Baelon Targaryen, son of King Viserys, The Heir for a Day. " Daemon closed his eyes briefly and passed the bundle in his arms to the hag waiting outside.

"Let's go take Rhaenyra and go to bed. None of us should sleep alone tonight" his sister said. She was right, the hour was late, just passed the hour of the owl if he had to guess, and none of them should sleep alone tonight.

After a slight detour to take a sleeping Rhaenyra from her bed, the siblings got to Viserys chambers. In silence all of them took their clothes of remaining in their small clothes. It would be a scandal if anyone would find them like that in bed, but Daemon didn't care, and from the looks of it neither did his siblings. They were all too tired and to emotionally drained to care at the moment. They lost two of their own today, the rest of the world could get fucked for all he cared.

Rhaenyra was in the middle of the bed already burrowed in the covers. His sister took the spot besides his niece in the middle and his brother's on the other side of his daughter. He got behind his sister and his arm was around the two girls in the middle same as his brother's. He felt safe. He didn't remember the last time he felt safe, maybe before his father's death, or before his marriage? It didn't matter, he was safe now.

The last thought Daemon had was that he still didn't asked his sister for her name.

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