Chapter 6

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The morning came to quick for the three siblings. The sun was shining and the birds were singing and of course the little princess was up starring at the siblings with a cute little frown on her face. The princess didn't wait long, after all she was quite spoiled and the three people on the bed were ignoring her. Well not really, they were sleeping, but there was a woman in her Kepa's bed that she didn't know.

"Kepaaaaa!" She screamed in her high pitched voice.

The response was instantaneous. Her kepa (father) startled and rolled of the bed, taking all of the sheets with him, and hit the floor with a bang. The woman and her kepus (uncle) lifted their heads at the same time banging their foreheads. She heard kepa let out a groan and at the same time the woman and kepus let out moans of pain. She didn't really care, there was a strange woman in her kepa's bed!

"What happened zaldrītsos (little dragon)? Why are you shouting at this ungodly hour? Her kepus asked rubbing the spot where he collided with the woman's forehead.

"There is a strange woman in kepa's bed! " She said and by then her kepa was off the floor and back in the bed with a pillow covering his face.

"Yes there is." Her kepus replayed and his eyes were closing again burrowing further in the sheets. The woman was already asleep her head on her kepa's chest.

"Kepuuuuus, don't go back to sleep! There is a strange woman sleeping on kepa's chest!" She whined and slowly one by one opener their eyes and glared at her. Well it was not her fault! They should wake up. There was a woman se didn't recognize sleeping with them. Someone had to answer her soon or else.

"Yes little one. There is a woman in the bed with us. No she is not a stranger, she is your sodjisto (aunt), mine and your kepus  hāedar (little sister). " Her kepa said. An aunt? Nobody talked before about an aunt.

"She came in last night, and after the yesterday events we decided that it will be better if all of us slept together, that is why you are here as well." Her kepa continued. Yesterday events? Oh... Her mother died. The thought brought forth tears in her eyes, her lip started to tremble and she let out a sob.


When his little girl starter crying Viserys panicked. He turned wide eyed to his brother only to see he had the same expression he was sure his face was carrying. Their little sister quiet till then sprang into action taking the little girl in her arms and started rocking back and forth. Rhaenyra, who till then seemed very upset about the "strange woman in the bedwas keeping a death grip on his little sister clothes.

" It's alright little dragon, let it out" she said. Kissing his daughter forehead while murmuring consoling words. The girls stayed like that until Rhaenyra's sobs subsided and fell right back asleep.

Their sister put Rhaenyra back under the covers and tucked her in. She then raised a finger to her lips, telling them to be quiet and pointed to the door. They got up and each grabbed one of Viserys gowns and walked into the other room. They seated at the table and his brother sent for breakfast.

"We should continue last night discussion." Said his brother.

"Last night discussion is not important now." Replied his sister. "We need to move fast and make plans for the next few days."

" Plans for the next days?" He asked confused.

"May I speak frankly your Grace?" His sister asked.

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