Chapter 26

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Viserys was finally enjoying a bit of peace and quiet. He was alone in his rooms slumped in a chair enjoying a bit of wine. He was aching bad an he really did think he pulled a muscle he didn't know he had. After the training and subsequently discussion he had with ser Harold he went to visit Rhaenyra thinking that he will maybe play with some dolls. He was wrong. It seemed like his daughter had other ideas. She was waiting for him dressed in her riding leathers and ready to go flying. She remarked that now that he has a dragon she doesn't see a reason why he wouldn't fly with her. And Viserys like the weak man he was he gave in when she pulled out those big watery eyes of hers. He blamed Daemon for that, he was the one to teach her that move.

So after training, flying and a draining conversation he was by his lonesome, resting before his meeting with Lord Strong. Of course that didn't last. Viserys wasn't that lucky. His sister barged into the rooms her eyes immediately fixing on him. She had mischief written all over her face.

"What do you want or what did you do."

"Viserys, exactly the brother I wanted to see. You know how much I love you right?"

"Who did you kill?" She let out a dramatic gasp an fell into a chair next to him.

"Why, I would never."

"If I remember correctly you and Daemon killed his whore a few weeks ago."

"That doesn't count."

"What do you want Maenera?"

"Well... I was thinking..."

"That is never a good thing."

"Shut up. As I was saying, I was thinking that maybe we make your meeting with Lord Strong a family affair."

"You and Daemon want to be there when I meet with Lord Strong?"

"Not exactly, I was thinking more along the lines me, Daemon and his children."

"Why do you want his children to be there?"

"Aren't you a little bit curious about them?"


"Come on Viserys, please." He really needs to learn when to say no.


"That's good. Great. You invite all the Strongs and I am going to haunt our brother down from wherever he is right now. Love you!" She quickly pressed a kiss to his cheek and skipped right out of the door.

How was he always the one that finds himself in this situations?


All three siblings were waiting now the arrival of the Strong family. His brother still had some documents in his hands and he was scribbling from time to time. His sister, had her eyes unfocused and probably was letting the visions flow. And Viserys? Viserys had another cup of wine in his hand. He had a feeling he will need the wine for this dinner.

A knock was heard and one by one from the oldest to youngest the Strongs entered. They bowed and curtsied respectively and now we're waiting for him to start talking.

"Please, take a seat." He said and all of them began occupying the chairs around the table. His sister had her eyes on the little girl. The youngest and third one. Weren't there only two?

"My King the meeting was a surprise onto itself. Requesting my children as well was quite unexpected and I find myself curious. What is this all about?"

"To be honest, the meeting was intended to be only between the two of us, but my sister asked if we could "make it a family affair" I think her wording was." It was funny to see Ser Harwin palling dramatically. Huh.. he never knew that a man can lose his colour so fast.

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