Chapter 39

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Kingslanding could be seen in the distance. The city was a mess. That was clear from above. Understandable. All ships that came to the capitol were anchored along the rocky structures in Blackwater bay. The City was still locked tight. Disappointing but not surprising. Maenera was more than sure that Viserys had still not left his chambers and has not dealt with anything related to his role as King. She felt for her brother, it was an ugly situation and as expected Viserys' answer to ugly situations was to shut down and hide away. His method of coping was not healthy but until she and Daemon arrived to get him out of his stupor it was the best he could do.

This whole situation made her so angry. She wanted to turn back and burn the Hightowers again. Resurrect them and torture them until they begged for mercy. She didn't know exactly what she would find in the Red Keep but it surely was nothing short of chaos. She was grateful for Daemon. Him being with her was a tremendous help. He knew Viserys better than any of them and if there was a person who could help her brother out of a difficult time it was Daemon.

Her mind was already buzzing with plans. She would, naturally, visit her brother first and assess his condition leaving him with Daemon afterwards. Then she would have to speak with Vaegon about his physical state. Meet with the Lord Hand. Have a talk with Larys about what he found and only then call on a Council meeting to see if her orders had been followed. It was a lot to do and she didn't have a lot of time. The city needed to start functioning again or the small folk would revolt and so would the merchants whose ships were blocked in the port.

She signaled Daemon to follow her as she made her way to the destroyed courtyard in the Red Keep. She landed followed by Daemon on Caraxes. Guards were already waiting with Lord Commander Westerling at the front. He had a grim expression on his face. Maenera didn't like that.

"What happened?" She asked him.

"The King has locked himself in his room and refuses any contact, even from the Princess. The Princess is enraged and she is creating a disturbance at the moment. Quite a few members of the small council think that the King is dead or dying and they begin talking about funeral arrangements. Quite a few of them tried to send ravens to their Houses about the situation."

"Have the ravens been stopped?" Daemon asked.

"Yes my Prince. They were all stopped or shot down as soon as possible."

"We will go to my brother first. Ask Lord Strong to wait in my rooms for a meeting. " Said Daemon.

"And Larys. Vaegon as well." She added.

They made their way down the corridors to Viserys rooms. Soldiers lining the walls as they passed.

"I see that you made use of my gold cloaks." Daemon said. She didn't responded just stopped in front of Viserys door and tried to open it. The door didn't budge.

"Open up brother!" She shouted but received no response. "Viserys!" She tried again banging on the door.

"Let me try." Daemon said getting in front of the door." Visērȳs! Ziry iksos Daemon, rōva lēkia.  Iksan lenton!" (Viserys! It's Daemon, big brother. I am home! ). Still no response.

"Should we try the passages?" Maenera asked.

"No. He knows about them now. He surely blocked them. Step back, I am going to break the door down." He said. She did as he asked. Kick after kick he rained on the door until it finally gave. The door was in shambles by the time he finished with it. The soldiers were looking at them strangely but she didn't care. They needed to get to their brother.

They entered the rooms. She wondered where the fuck Harwin was. She left him instructions to guard the King from inside his rooms.

They found Viserys in the room with the Valyrian Model. He was wearing just his trousers and he was working on his model. Picking at one of the figurines.

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