Chapter 29

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Daemon left his sister with her sworn shield after she said that she was going to explore the trees. Whatever the fuck that meant. He didn't really knew where his brother was, probably still in a meeting with Lord Stark, but that meant that Daemon was left unsupervised. It was time to explore. He was a noisy fucker, he could admit that. And the fact that two people in this family have already insulted his sister made him want to know their dirty secrets even more. He walked all over the Keep, listening to guards and maids alike trying to find out something of import. No luck so far. He drew the line at going into the crypts. He really thought that the dead were dead and should not be bothered, they paid their dues, there is no point for Daemon to disturb them. He passed the Lord solar and surprise surprise he finally overheard something important. He didn't stop to listen in front of the door as there was a guard, but the voices were raised and the door cracked so they could be heard from down the corridor.

"Mother you need to stop!" Shouted Lord Stark.

"I do not understand what do you think I did wrong." Replied the crone.

"You know very well what you did. Accusing the Princess of killing her own mother, and then at breakfast you accused her of having loose morals."

"I didn't say anything that wasn't true!"

"I do not care! She can fuck her brothers in the courtyard for all to see!" Said the Lord and the woman gasped.

"You cannot mean that."

"I do. Do you not understand the position we are in? They discovered one of our bannermen are still practicing the First Night. Not only that they came here personally and requested our help. Not to mention the girl is a seer and a witch! Oh and did I mentioned the three fucking dragons that are flying over Winterfell this very moment? Those dragons could burn us all to ash if the King gave the order!" At least the Lord Stark had some brains in that hairy head of his.

"They would not do that. The North would revolt."

"Are you listening to yourself? Are you forgetting that with three dragons Aegon conquered seven kingdoms? And even so, why in the name of the Gods would you start a war with the royal family?"

"The girl should have been drowned at birth!"

"I do not care for your opinions. You will cease with this talk in an instant. That girl is the daughter of the Spring Prince, sister to the King! Sooner or later she might become our queen." Well he wasn't necessarily wrong.

"The King would not take her to wife."

"You do not know that! She is young now and he is mourning, but that can change, and I assure you she would not forget this insults. And even if she does not become Queen. Do you forget what she is? She could curse us!"

"If we suddenly die all of the North will know who to blame."

"And if she doesn't curse us? What if she curses the generations that come after we are dust and bone. House Stark annihilated just because you couldn't keep your mouth shut. And do not believe for one moment that I do not know why you hate her so much."

"You know nothing." The woman said and Daemon could hear the panic in her voice.

"I know enough. I spoke with Aerea before she died. I know to the price you paid for me and my brother was my father's life. I didn't say anything, but I knew. You are my mother and I love you, that is why I never said anything. The northern Lords would scream for your head if it was ever found out."

"I only did what I had to, to bring forth an heir. Your aunt was the one that cursed me barren in the first place."

"We both know that is not true. You knew that there will be a price. And you were barren because you were barren not because a four and ten traumatized girl cursed you. Now get out and keep your mouth shut." Said Lord Stark and Daemon considered he had heard enough.

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