Chapter 17

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It was too early in the morning when Maenera woke them up. She was already dressed for the day, riding leathers replacing her usual dresses.

"Wake up, brothers. There is much to do today." Viserys heard his sister say while she opened the curtains. They didn't question her, as usual, he and his brother,both, just groaned and got out of bed.

"What are we doing today?"

"We are going to Dragonstone, Viserys is going to claim a dragon."

"Excuse me?" Viserys said.

"You are excused. Now come on you need to dress in your riding leathers. Viserys do your leathers still fit you?"

"Yes, yes they do." Viserys responded annoyed. Even though he didn't have a dragon at the moment he made sure he had riding leathers at hand. He never wears them but he has them." Why would I need those garments now, even if we go to Dragonstone there will be at least two days by ship."

"Oh... We are not taking the ship, we are going on dragon back."

"It will be a tight fit if all three of us are going on Caraxes back." Daemon who had been silent till now, spoke.

"Only you two are going on Caraxes, I have my own dragon."

"You know what? Stop for a moment we can't leave like this. We have previous engagements that need to be taken care of today, and even if we ignore that, I do not want to claim a dragon! And speaking of which, since when do you have a dragon if your own?"

"I had Shrykos since I was a babe. You WILL claim a dragon because the Velaryon's are getting impertinent, and while we were waiting for them to make a decision, Corlys took Laena in the middle of the night and left for Dragonstone to claim a dragon. And the only engagement you had today was with Rhaenys, and it the light of certain events I just mentioned, that can wait."

"Rhaenys wants to go to war?" Daemon asked and he saw the fire in his eyes.

"Not exactly. Viserys scared her the other day. The families are, in their minds equal footed, they have Meleys and Seasmoke, and we have Caraxes and Syrax. They are trying to intimidate us into giving into their demands."

"Obviously that won't fucking happen." Daemon said and he couldn't help but agree.

"Laena would be a strong dragonrider and if it wasn't for her parents, I would let her claim a dragon, but we cannot afford this now. We need to get there before they arrive on Dragonstone."

"Let me guess, you already have plans on how to squash this little silent rebellion of theirs?" Viserys asked. He was proud of his sister and a little scared of her. Just yesterday she was unconscious, bleeding and sprouting nonsense. Now she was looking like a warrior queen ready to take over the world.

"Of course I do dear brother. Divide and conquer. You two go ahead through the passages, saddle Caraxes and take to the skys. I will meet you in the air."


"I am a little disappointed in Rhaenys." Viserys said to his brother while they were making their way to the Dragon pit.

"Well, I am fucking angry. We should execute the lot of them for this. They have the audacity of trying to steal a a dragon."

"You heard what Vaegon said, you need to work on your impulsiveness, Daemon. Our sister didn't say that we will kill them, she said that we will divide them."

"She is going to break their family apart, that is clear, the question is how?" Daemon said and Viserys didn't have an answer for him. He himself was a little confused of how his sister is going to manage that. What he did know is that he was going to claim a dragon today.

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