Story 287/Triwizard Tournament Pre-game Training

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Just so you guys know, I absolutely love and still do love the Harry potter franchise, it's such a good magical world series. It came to my attention a year ago that J.K Rowling said something Controversial to the insecure communities on Twitter and got heavily attacked by it. I feel really bad for Her and really hope she finds peace from the Twitterpocalypse. With all that out of the way, enjoy this Harry Potter Inspired Story :>

It was Adam's latest year at the very iconic Wizarding School known as Hogwarts. This was his Fourth year at school and already many scary things had been happening. Such as his first year where Professor Quirrell had been taken over by He who must not be named and tried to use a Sorcerer's stone in order to become alive again, then in Second year a beast in Slytherin chamber known as the Basilisk came loose and also unveiled He Who Must Not Be Name'd's Diary which according to good friend harry showed the fate of Moaning Myrtle, Why Hagrid was no longer allowed on School Property, and the Existence of Aragog the giant spider ron and harry encountered in the forest. Then to make matters even weirder in 3rd year harry got seemingly stalked by his godfather Sirius Black in the form of a Black Dog and also showed that the whomping willow was in fact secreting a hidden room. However this year was something that would change the group of friends and possibly the whole school forever.

It was the Tri-Wizard Tournament, a Competition where three wizards from different wizarding schools get chosen to compete in a life and death situation using magic to beat certain challenges in order to score points. It would have been epic since the match was being held in Hogwarts Itself. Adam usually didn't like being disturbed of his food but when the doors opened and three schools worth of Students came in it made him very interested.

However come the day the drawings were announced something...Odd happened.

After Fleur, Viktor, and Cedric were chosen to participate the blue shiny goblet once again showed signs of needing to spit out a piece of parchment. Out came the piece and as if fate kept stabbing harry in the gut, it said his name on it.

Naturally a lot of people assumed he somehow put his name in the goblet but Adam was doubtful, why would harry want to go do this life threatening game when his life has been in danger multiple times. After a very stern talk with Dumbledore Harry made his way back towards Gryffindor dorm feeling really nervous. However as he was passing the Girls bathroom he heard a sound. "Psst...Harry, Harry mate" The soft voice of Adam came from the bathroom as he was slightly peaking his head out.

Harry was confused why he was being so secretive but when he entered the bathroom he saw not only Adam there but also Ron and Hermione there as well with Adam looking determined. "Huh? What is going on guys?" Harry asks confused as he observed Adam holding a piece of really old paper.

"Okay, so I know how crazy this whole scenario is right now Harry, About being in the whole triwizard tournament but I was able to find a way to maybe give you an edge" Hermione said as she made sure Ron couldn't get away as he was still all puffed up about Harry entering the tournament. "Huh? What are you Implying Hermione?" Harry asks as he Adjusts his glasses.

"I had Adam go get some higher spells from several classrooms, he was like a wiz because he came back with this old piece of paper from an old looking spellbook" Hermione said as she had Adam show Harry the page.

It had several spells in it but one of them was seemingly more interesting than the others in the context of the tournament. "What is...Apparition?" harry squinted and Adam turned the paper around for him. "It's a slightly advanced spell that will warp you from one area to the next but it takes some practice, I think if we start studying up on these spells you can have an edge" Adam said skittishly.

"Wow...You went through all that to see Harry win the tournament huh?" Ron said still puffy about all this.

"No ron, Its not that I want him to win from this...I don't want another friend to die...So It's more of me wanting to help him survive" Adam said with his shiny orange eyes.

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