Things are changing

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"So, the thing is..." Logan said to Lorelai as they sat on the couch in Lorelai's house "I've been offered a position with an emerging internet company. They're willing to make me full partner"

"Wow, that's great."

"Yeah" Logan took a deep breath "but, it uh... it means a move to California. Palo Alto, actually"


"And I want Rory to come with me"


"But not just as my girlfriend, which is why I'm here...I came to ask your permission to ask Rory to marry me"

Lorelai just stared at Logan

"Lorelai?" Logan said, pulling lorelai out of her thoughts

" Uh..." Lorelai chuckled, nervously "I guess... I guess you can ask her"


"Hey, you!" Rory said, running over and hugging Logan when he got back to the apartment where she lives with Paris and Doyle

"Hey back" Logan said, leaning in to kiss her

"I missed you" she said wrapping her arms around his neck

"I missed you too, Ace" he put his hands on her waist and kissed her again

"When you two are done, we have spackling to do" Paris said

"Sorry Paris" Logan chuckled

"I'm just trying to make sure we get our deposits back" Paris said

"We know" Rory rolled her eyes and smiled at Logan

"Where were you, by the way?" Paris asked

"California" Logan told her

"Fancy" Doyle said "I don't like California. Too hot. Too beachy"

"Then it's a good thing you don't live in California" Rory chuckled


"Logan?" Rory called out when she woke up alone, in bed, the next day

"Shhh. It's early go back to sleep"

"Why are you awake?" She yawned

"I had to make a phone call" he said, getting back into bed

"You're still trying to negotiate with that internet company in California?"

"Uh...yeah" Logan lied

"I'm sure you'll get there" she kissed him

"Any update on the job front?"

"Still waiting to hear, but I sent my resume out to a whole bunch of papers"

"Where did you apply?"

"Everywhere" Rory exhaled "Hartford courant, Boston globe, Washington post, Chicago tribune, San Francisco chronicle-" Rory listed

"San Francisco?" Logan interrupted

"Yeah, I know it's really far, but it's a great paper and you're hoping to get a job in California anyway so we wouldn't have to do long distance if you get that job. It's honestly one of the best jobs I can imagine getting"

"Do you know how much I love you?"

"I have some idea" Rory grinned "I love you, too"


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